15 renown for flying is ridiculous

Level 15 isnt the problem, its that the content was so boring they needed to add pathfinder to force people to do the boring content.


“Not made here” is a very real and very problematic mindset in every development group I’ve ever encountered.


I still think that it’s not a grind. With this kind of argument everything in this game is a grind as long as it’s a repeatable task to reach a certain goal. Doing a handful of world quests and different events here and there is not a grind to me.

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Good of you to admit your argument makes no sense…

Your personal opinion does not matter, only facts do and your continued attempt to ignore than dragon riding is free on day 1 means everyone can now ignore your posts safely knowing its pointless.

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This stuff just keeps getting recycled… the same discussion over and over.

If you’re not playing the game a specific way, you’re not worthy of regular flying. IDC about pathfinder much one way or the other (though I sympathize with those who get motion sickness or pain from it).

But I have multiple alts. I run LFR, TW, heroic weekly, gold dailies, and, besides Valdrakken, I don’t have 15 in anything.

So it does very much depend on how you play as to whether or not you have that rep, even with playing for quite some time.

The Pathfinder “grind” in Legion was particularly bad. I was the first one in teh guild to get it but I had to no-life play that no-content patch til my eyes bled.


170 posts later and I still don’t know the name of the disability (or disabilities) affecting so many players. One post said “brain damage”, but didn’t list the name. I was under the impression that disabilities had names. If Mr. Angry guy who tries to speak for everyone with a disability would simply state HIS disability, I would be able to learn more about it. (I still think he’s mixing up ‘disability’ and ‘inability’)

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Not sure about others but I have an extreme case of Renownitis. Causes my hands to totally lock up and experience high levels of pain when I attempt to do trash tier content.


What facts? Most of what you’re saying is also just your personal opinion. :smile: And if you would actually read my posts instead of working yourself up on nothing and picking apart small parts of what was posted, you would know that I even acknowledged that DF was there on day 1. I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Classic Blizzard having bruh moment.
I guess Ghost Greg once said well missed him once he’s gone is spot on.
P.s I never like Ion :shushing_face:

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Nobody feels the need to pove their disability to you, is why. Whether you believe them doesn’t matter.


onorlus, there is a bit of fatigue (as I was so …nicely told in another post) that people are biting back at others about having to explain every time how Dragonriding is challenging to people with visual or coordination issues. There’s also a bit of “i dont have to tell you what my disablity is” mantra in some of these responses that don’t really hold water when you’re essentially anonymous on here. Still, it would be better to just take people’s word for it that a paritcular feature that we all got pigeon-holed into COULD be difficult for some people with certain disabilities. Naming them isn’t really necessary since that isn’t the point.

There have been a number of complaints that the acceleration possible with dragonriding is hard on some people visually; making them dizzy/nauseous. This is a fair take given how the game also has a lot of flashes/explosions which are also tough on people with epilepsy etc and the game has always had ways to turn these down or off.
The claims made by people this has affected are definitely “good enough” that we should have been able to do both regular flying AND Dragonriding.

For those of us without disabilities-- I like Dragonriding but it still has some issues. Thaldrazus is really high up terrain-wise and trying to fly UP to it from ther other zones with these things is a giant pain the behind so I’d be fine with being able to switch to regular flying on occasion. I also hate the vigor system and how slowly it regnerates. I don’t believe dragons need to “catch all this wind” to fly up; that literlaly makes no sense given how massive their muscle mass in their wings is.


People didn’t even know DR was gonna be a thing until that was revealed. How did they request something they didn’t know about, and where?

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Jai/Vladamire, why are you again using alts to back up your own opinion and like each other’s posts in this thread? Shouldn’t you know better by now?

Gonna run away from this thread as well now that it’s pointed out?

For those that don’t know, Jai and Vladamire are provably the same person and he goes around with an army of alts to like and back up his posts.


EDIT: Allow me to quote your Warlock as well so you get the notification on both toons:


There has been a number of topics about fight for years now asking from anything from air to air combat, too changing how flight was done period. To placing in the sky monsters that would make a person forced to always be on the watch to avoid danger. So yes people have asked for changes to be made in how players fly.

Well they didn’t ask for GW2 gliding from what I saw. They have races for this but no in air combat so far.

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Just like professions, I don’t think they are really done messing with flight either.

I think they will add more to DR. I don’t think it will be combat. But it at least won’t be abandoned like mount equipment.

Why am I not even surprised?

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It was even worse in the other thread. He was liking all of his posts on 5+ different alts and on Jai he directly pretended to be a different person to Vladamire. He also had a 3rd character he posted on while pretending to be a different person, and he was clearly unaware that you can see a) exactly who liked a post and b) shared progress like achievements and mounts that indicate different characters are from the same account.

Not a very honest person, clearly.

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