15 renown for flying is ridiculous


People are being lazy and want their bots to have flight day one without doing anything.


Its true, people DO love Dragon Flying which they got on day 1 without doing anything.


Which was a thing the community has asked for for several expansions. And we got it.
So itā€™s a bit childish to state the game is bad because of this. The game isnā€™t bad just because a few individuals donā€™t get what they demand.

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Claims the community wanted a thing, while dismissing the part of community that says they dont want a thing to cling to their opinion its wanted.


Canā€™t please everybody. shrug


But dragonriders donā€™t care, they have their toy and anyone that canā€™t use it or donā€™t like it can wotate.

I quit because I was given a choice of using dragonriding or walking on a map specifically designed to frustrate walking. I came back because they said proper flight was coming to the expansion. Then they put it behind a dragonriding based pathfinding requirement, so I quit again.

Maybe when Microsoft gains total control, this nonsense will end, but only if they fire Ion and She Who Shall Not Be Named. Hopefully the transition event for the next expansion will not occur in the Dragon Isles so that I and those like me can participate.

This expansion is dead to me, a waste of coder time and energy. I would rather play Cata and/or WoD than this mess.


And then youā€™ll find something else trivial to complain about.


Itā€™s almost surreal.

Iā€™ve seen a lot of stupid complaining on this forum, over the years, but ā€œIā€™m angry because I canā€™t get a slower version of flying without playing the gameā€ has to take the cake.


Exactly. This right here sums up all these threads.

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Sir and/or madamā€¦ people have been botting with dragonriding since day one of DF.


So, while I agree with you about dragon flight and thinking the rep grind is horrible I have to sayā€¦Microsoft is a far worse company that Blizzard ever was and they are not going to make things better.

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Thank god I didnā€™t have to play the game to get the better version.

The amount of people that lack even the slightest amount of logic is pretty nuts lol. Pathfinder shouldnā€™t even exist because, as you say, itā€™s the slower version of flying, something we had unlocked since day 1. The rest of the arguments, if you want to call them that, are irrelevant. Itā€™s an objectively worse version of flying that, for some odd reason, requires a much more dedicated form of play to unlock. Itā€™s wild lol.


And Blizzard are the masters of pleasing the minority. See mass exodus over the last 3 expansions as 100% undeniable proof. Glad to see you are supporting having the game become a low population MMO so development drops faster. Derp.

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I have not been playing for a year. I did not start this expac when it came out. Jfc.


You not understanding a thing doesnā€™t make it not real.


This is really all there is to it.


Thatā€™s right. You came back this summer so I agree that it will take a bit more time to get to 15. But the way to 15 itself stays quite trivial.
But I also refer to other players who have been playing since release or started shortly after release and are now talking about ā€œgrindā€ and how this requirement is unreasonable and way too much.

It is. Dragon Flying is FREE and has no GRIND and as you and others keep saying, is superior.

Do you think superior gear should be free on day 1 and inferior should be behind a raid grind? No. Ok, thenā€¦go away as the argument for rep grind makes no sense.


Cute. Druid bots will soon tank the market.

Normal flying crowd is childish.

It doesnā€™t have to make sense. Normal flying has has been a reward for 3 to 4 expansions now. There are requirements for it that we HAVE to do.
