15 renown for flying is ridiculous

Understandable, great thing about that though is that you can choose to stay on a ground mount most of the time and I would definitely support an argument to never “require” people to have to use a flying mount to get someplace outside of perhaps via a waypoint.


No, really, go try the dragonflying with your keyboard. Same as keyboard controlling your character, inferior. I know you’ve heard of “keyboard turning” characters.


Yeah, I can, and actually do ride ground mounts in town all the time. Problem is that, with flying, they started building vertical worlds that are not as well done.


Ok, this. The worlds are designed to be flown in. They have NPCs carry us tons, and I really dislike that. I want to run around. /shrug

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You’re just being unreasonable here and desperately try to deflect from the explained situation with personal attacks that don’t have any base. shrug I know how life is and I also have a chronical condition. The difference is that I don’t shove it into other peoples faces and demand that everything is built around me. Especially when that person explains how impossible and painful DF is for them despite everything else, when it comes to movement, should be as much or even more difficult then. It just doesn’t fit together.
I understand differences and hardships, I really do. I just disagree with the opinion that content in games should always be done with consideration to all those different people with their different problems.

I never said it’s possible to completely use keyboard turning for flying. But you’re highly exaggerating when describing how DF works and one short click now and then for adjusting the flight direction is not “constantly keeping the mouse engaged”. I don’t think content in video games should be designed around a tiny amount of people who supposedly aren’t able to use a mouse.

And the thing is that most of the open world content can easily be done without flying. And you guys had ONE YEAR to do this content at your own pace and easily reach the requirements a long time ago. Why even demand easier flying when you don’t even want to play the open world content?


I know, thats why I said I would support an argument to not “require” it for those that dont want it. I support the community, thats why I argue so hard against those that try to argue down people with different tastes.

Dragon Flight is niche and no one that wants old school flying not behind a major grind should be blocked as it also does nothing to prohibit those that like dragon flying.


It feels like one short click if you don’t have any fine motor impairments, yes. I do.

im going to chalk you up to being a child if you cannot understand that human beings are different, that some people have impairments, or that it does not even take an impairment to have a body part become uncomfortable being in a position for too long.


Blizz has a whole team dedicated to handling accessibility feedback. They aren’t bothered by this sort of feedback. And it’s not being shoved in your face. You have the option to leave the thread and mute it.


No, it can’t, because a large portion of everyone else doing it is flying faster than you can run. I can save ottusks on foot, but by the time I run to the next grand hunt location, it’d be over.
And, I know this is hard for you to grasp, but people sometimes have things that prevent them from playing, or just lose interest and want to come back a couple years later.


I’m not saying “everyone move slower for me” I’m saying I would like an avenue to easily progress to this content, because the ability to fly is not new or updated in any way. If i WANT to do the slower flying option, why would you not just let me. Without flying through hoops?


What hoops? 15 renown is trivial.

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To, you. I, for example, think dungeons should give rep. PvP, sure. There are gathering and crafting quests, but not often enough to give meaningful boosts. Not everyone plays every expac from day 1 or enjoys focusing on 1 character for 2 months


Because it’s not the same kind of grind. They designed it so that you get most of it done as you play. Meaning you don’t have to stop progressing through the game to get the majority of it.

If you go back to gold for flying per flight level per character, that grind is astronomically higher.


Doing the side quests, some world quests and weeklies over the course of a year is obviously impossible for people with impairments. The question still stands. Why demand for things to get easier when you’re not even willing to do the most basic stuff?
You wouldn’t even need events like the Grand Hunt to get to 15.

What gate? you’re not stopped from getting to it. Gating is to keep things out, not to slowly let you in

So disabled players can ride their regular mounts and fly with their regular mounts, hit their spells and abilities but some how can’t press those same buttons for dragon riding?



Good news! There aren’t any new players anymore.


They can still dragon ride.

Stop this new players horrid excuse. If they’re new they can still fly everywhere else and dragon ride in the dragon riding expansion.

Then, it takes a month of just playing the game to have 15 renown.


I once again point out that the expansion sucks to some and having to grind rep is doubly not fun. YOUR opinion of the content does not over-ride the opinions of others and thus most of these replies are doing nothing other than trying to defend a bad game for remaining bad for those it could be alleviated for with a simple change that literally does not effect those arguing to not have it.

If you like dragon flying, there is literally no reason for you to even post as not one person here is asking to have it removed.

Prime example

This person is literally attempting to change the meaning of a thing just to argue. Gate keeping is LITERALLY “the activity of controlling, and usually limiting, general access to something:” That is exactly what a 15 rep requirement does.


Not even close. I didn’t start playing DF til 10.1 and easily hit 15 within a couple weeks. Especially with the boosts from Forbidden Reach. I agree pathfinder shouldn’t be a thing at all, but it does not take that long to get renown 15, the campaign gets you most of the way