14 year sub, cancelled

14 year sub just returned because of the change. Delighted.

It’s just not twinks that do it. Sometimes games land out that way, and I can bet it’s not just gy camping that forced the change. We all know it’s not that.

Uh huh, sure. I heard this will make games better. Hmmmm, they seem the same to me. Some competitive, some blowouts.

Oh damn I just got gy camped!! By non twinks…just good players.

Woahhhhhhh, go figure

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Segregation does not work.


@Tianhai, I play late a lot, add me CheeseBurger#11629 I have a lot of twinks in different brackets. Also starting a lvl 19 site come classic.

@Nubil, Played several games with you. May your future be fun and hopefully will see you return come Classic.

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I will add you! Right now I am working on just some leveling toons, and still doing a lot of Bg’s because I have 4 months left on my sub lol.

I will note that games are still completely 1 sided blow outs, people are still dying in 1-2 hits, and GY camping is still happening so… not exactly sure what this separation fixed, exactly.
Oh wait… it didn’t fix anything.


oh lets say god is real god descends to earth and proceeds to curb stomp humanity then camp them in the graveyard but tweak you say there is only one of them how can he kill all of humanity and camp us? cause hes god and there only needs to be one to make the fight impossible

Oh it did. All that you have mentioned has always happened in bgs. I’m sorry but you lot need to face facts. Twinks with xpoff are not welcome in leveling bgs.

If that stuff has always been in Bg’s, what exactly did the separation fix?
Oh and for the record, under geared people who won’t play objectives, aren’t “welcome” in any BG :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ve been in AV camped by horde in our starting area, WSG, AB you name it I’ve been camped in it. Premades, noobs the lot. However let’s not kid ourselves what twink toons are made for.


They might die a few times less and have a chance at topping damage. That’s about it.


You mean enjoy themselves, and actually be able to use their abilities, and learn their class?

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I did all that with them there…

What were twinks made for?
Hmm… let me see here.
I made my twinks because:

  1. BFA is lackluster to me
  2. I already have max level of every class that I love
  3. I wanted to try something different
  4. I made friends with twinks while I was leveling through their brackets, who were so awesome and so nice to me, and kept asking me to twink with them.
  5. The community. They were super nice to me, took me under their wing, answered my questions, helped me gear, ect.
  6. It gave me and a dear friend of mine something to do together. He was against twinking… like hard core against it, until I introduced him to my friends and showed him that not all twinks were jerks.
  7. WoW felt like an MMO for the first time in 10 years because i had made so many friends.
  8. I love healing BG’s, and twinking made me a stronger healer. It not only benefited my twink comrades, but levelers as well to have a strong healer.
    I was able to see many, many levelers safely through my brackets.

I never once GY camped, I never once spammed spitting emotes, I never once talked down to anyone who was under geared, or otherwise not playing objectives.

So I am sorry if you have this stigma that all twinks are jerks and bullies.
I used to feel the same way, then I found out that a lot of them are super nice, and just want to play the game and have fun.


Have actually never said that.

Commendable maybe you should teach the rest of the community.

There’s a lot that don’t do that. In twink Bgs (the few I ran into at higher levels) it was us levelers who went right for the gy when the chance arose.


now they arent in your bg, problem fixed.


The player base that doesn’t have to fight twinks isn’t going to get better by removing them.

If you lower the bar that’s all you did. It doesn’t mean people improve in the slightest. If anything you’ve stagnated their ability to rise above and actually try harder.