14 year sub, cancelled

Well said.

Being one and two shot doesnā€™t teach you how to play.

The reverse could be said and playing in top gear against under geared toons makes you complacent. I played Burning crusade with a twink priest and could 1 vs 4 levelers while backpedaling and keyboard turning the whole time. It wasnā€™t till I left that crap that I learned to improve myself.


Sure they are. I have plenty of toons to level, and just last night saw a level 76 rogue missing trinket slots and a ring slot, who, funny enough, died more times than the healers. Hmmā€¦ wonder why.
Dang! Must be those pesky twinks again!

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I really dont have time to look at others slots, too busy enjoying the bgs win or lose.

Yea, most people didnā€™t look at their own teammates to see what the true problem was.


Ironicallyā€¦ I used to say the exact same thingā€¦ and eventually wound up eating my own words.

Donā€™t really care tbh.

Then why are you complaining?

About? Tell me? You are the guys complaining about being separated. Iā€™ve nothing to complain about. BGā€™s are more healthy overall.

Are they though? Again, Iā€™d love some SSā€™s of what you think a healthier BG is.

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Jugs I ainā€™t doing no SS it means nothing. I just played through 7 losses in a row, beat fair and square, but Iā€™m not complaining. It was more balanced than itā€™s been, and thatā€™s my experience.

But you quit you said. How many did you do before you quit?

Canā€™t remember tbh. What Juga looking at this toon are you lol. Iā€™ve hardly bgā€™d on this one.

No. Iā€™m sincerely asking how many bgs you did before you quit.

I donā€™t know.

I mean Iā€™ve done 200+ with twinks in them, and probably about 50 without. Can safely say they have been about the same quality in the 80s/90s

Iā€™ll find out once Iā€™m up there on my rogue. Iā€™ll let you know how it goes.

But thereā€™s a difference if you only did a handful (not a good amount to judge imo) to if you did 100. Take for instance tonight, you had 7 losses in a row. Put a new person in your shoes, they may not wanna queue again and think Alliance always lose.

Yeah I get it. I have loads of young alts all over the place. So Iā€™ve no real idea how much I actually did.

Well that kinda matters. But itā€™s okay, you guys got your way