14 year sub, cancelled

Dear Blizzard,

I have been a loyal subscriber since November 2004, but I have cancelled my subscription as it is time for us to part ways. I earned rank 14 in the old pvp system, and was in a guild that was server-first on completing new content for years, then I discovered the joys of not having to grind for new gear to stay relevant in pvp patch-after-patch, season-after-season, through the twinking. It was a nice change of pace to only gear once and be more casual with my gameplay after becoming a parent, but now the queue times are so ridiculous that I have been in queue for games for the entire hour I have before bed only to not get into a single game. This is unacceptable. You have managed to extract the last bit of joy out of the game for me, and concede defeat; you win…the loss of my subscription fee.

I was going to quit after legion, since it was so terrible, but decided to give the new endgame content of BFA a chance, then got bored waiting for new content so I decided started playing with twinks again only to find out that gear scaling had been removed, enchantments were working again, and xp-on/off players were no longer separated. I was so excited to meet a whole group of new people to play with that I literally spent hundreds of dollars transferring several characters to a different server for the purpose of coordinating guild twink games. I only had 29s at the time, but the guild also ran 69s, so I have since made 4…2 are best-in-slot and 2 are still gearing; I have literally spent about 100 hours over the last few months grinding gear and spending gold on enchantments to play in these games that had 5-10 minute queue times. Now the groups are separated again, and queue times are, well…I don’t know, because I’ve spent the last two nights in queue for over an hour and haven’t played in a single game.

What I don’t understand is why this is all happening now…especially without any kind of warning! On the forums, it is obvious that levelers are upset and pointing fingers at twinks for hindering their ability to level solely through pvp, and being farmed, but twinks are not the problem here…the real problems for levelers are a lack of gear (missing slots, gear 10-20 ilevels below their actual level, etc), lack of coordination (most are pugs, while we’re on coms), and bad game play (not focusing on objectives). As for the gy farming, it is my experience that the people doing is not the actual twinks but the levelers who are so amped about being carried by twinks that they take advantage of the imbalance and relentlessly grieve the opposing team while the actual twinks continue to play the objectives and finish the game so we can get out and queue again. For me, twinking is more like playing Dynasty Warriors in that the levels are fodder to fight through on the way to battle a general (another twink). That said, this is absolutely no different than the general pvp threads on this same forum that implore new 120s to not join BGs until they get their gear up to 340+, so they aren’t completely ineffective against gladiator teams that queue for the fun of steamrolling newbs; so although there is an argument that players have the ability to gear-up in endgame pvp so the disparity between gear is less, the same can be said for players who choose to twink: anyone can do it, if they choose…so if anyone can do it, why punish those of us who do by cutting down on our actual gameplay (not just the time logged into the game, waiting in queue)?!?

Anyway, this is getting long, and you don’t really care, so I’ll just end this by saying “It’s been real…hmu if you change your mind.”


Abacabb#1585 (Nubii – 69 hunter, Business – 69 warrior, Sizl – 69 mage, Schite – 69 druid, Basix – 39 shaman, Nubi – 29 hunter, Slaughterr – 29 warrior, Moniker – 29 monk, Canuma – 29 rogue, Epithet – 29 druid, Pseudonym – 29 priest, Bjorc – 19 monk, Necreaux – 19 warlock)

TLDR: Blizzard ruined the only fun part of this game that was left (twinking) by enforcing queue separation, (again) making queue times unbearably long, effectively removing any opportunities for me to actively play in the small corner of the game that brings me joy. As Marie Kondo says, “If it doesn’t spark joy…”


Um I care. I’m sure blizzard cares too.


Oh, look, a forum troll…


If there is a huge twink community, why are the queues long? I’m not a mathematician per se but I’m thinking if there’s a lot of people, the bg’s would fill up easily and games would go on…


This is true of lower brackets, since it is easier to level/gear them, but many in my guild find 69s the most fun, and there just aren’t enough alliance at 69 to make games happen. :frowning:

I care - sorry to see another go :frowning:


the salt in this 1 ^


Yeah - get him Attitude! There are no gear advantages in the 120 bracket - and no one ever gy camps there! What a nub he was.


I don’t GY farm lol…if a game is that bad, we (my guildies and I) end the game to queue for another rather than snooze through a slaughter.

If no one is queuing in xp-off I can only surmise that twinks don’t really want to fight other twinks.


…or there simply aren’t enough of us to populate games in higher brackets.


We DID queue… and waited SIX hours for a queue to pop.
I checked on both factions, and both communities one of which had over 500 members with about 20+ online actively everyday around the clock, was completely dead.
My friend’s list which has over 50 people on it, was dead.
People unsubbed, or they were on their mains, and everyone was dead quiet, nobody wanted to talk.
There is simply not enough of us in each bracket for separating the queues to be viable for low wait times.
I thought there was but there just isn’t =/


Or, it could be, and try to keep up here, there aren’t enough twinks to sustain a separate queue.

I played many games where I was the only twink on both sides.


The rest of your post is nothing but nonsense mushroom fodder on how you just quit because you were once again being given what Twinks have always said they wanted which was to battle other Twinks in BGS!

Only problem is that every time you Twinks, who claim you are such a popular part of WoW, all seem to quit entering the queue when the only folks you’ll battle against are other Twinks, which shows all you wanted to do was gank, and then you all start coming to the Forums to QQ about how long the queues are and telling us how you are all quitting!

Of course, your quitting means it is going to be more pleasant for the rest of us so Goodbye Ganker!


Low level BGs are no different though.

The cognitive dissonance is friggin unreal in these forums. People crying about twinks being ovrr geared yet never bring up the fact that its the same issue at 120. Skill and gear imbalances are a key feature of rbgs in lieu of their accessibility.

Damn have wow players gotten soft nowadays

Classic couldnt come sooner.



They are losing my sub and the token(s) i purchased to fund new toons.

Blizzard…This should of been in the PTR patch notes at the very least. Odd it was left out. Almost like someone foresaw the backlash and a whole community of players being upset. Instead of putting it out there and taking the heat they slipped it in under the rug and that is not okay.


I’m sure this is disappointing for someone who spent so much time on twinks and that’s what they did to enjoy the game, but as someone who is currently leveling two alts and enjoys BG’s more than dungeons and quests, I am happy.

I actually had to stop playing bg’s at some brackets because the ally twinks were out of control. Getting GY camped and 1 shotted was very deflating, forced me to do dungeons and quests. My alts are in full heirloom gear and have every slot filled with appropriate ilvl gear, but they were still getting 1 shotted.


See you in Classic.


What’s wrong with your blue face?

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