14 year sub, cancelled

A lot of people like that.

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If you got gy farmed that often you just had bad luck of getting stuck with bad players. Gy farming still happens and always will.


I would pwn you at 120 too hahahaha

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GY camping is boring…most of us play the objectives and finish the game to queue for better competition (hopefully more twinks), and it’s the non-twinks who are so excited to not be getting stomped that they take advantage of the situation and farm the gy since the other team has given up and is simply waiting to get out of the game without deserter. Don’t get it still? Not worth the effort explaining further.


Let them (or anyone) theorycraft. It makes for good conversation. No point in rubbing anyone’s face in the whole separation thing. It’s like rubbing your gold medal in the bronze guy’s face. It does nothing but make you look like a poor sport.

Are some of them doing immature things in retaliation for this? Oh yeah, but they’re angry. Let people pout and get it out of their systems. Antagonizing it just encourages the immature ones to keep at it, like a kid pulling a girl’s hair.

I’ve gladly gy camped without twinks in the Bgs. Gladly gy camped at max level too. Also had it happen to my teams. Pretending like it’s only twinks who do it is crazy.


Yeah but its fun. The same handful of people in here who were saying “L2P” and “Get GuD Noobs” When people were complaining about how unfair it was, are now crying and their tears are delicious.

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I’m still leveling in Bgs. And still say people need to l2p. Same thing as before where one team quits early and gets smashed.

Oh, you’re one of those.

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I find the irony delicious, all the trash talking to everyone and yet here we are all the people with twinks can;t take it back and cry. Not really a surprise though. explains the need to twink and dominate BG’s though.

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The troll gets trolled, I’m happy for the new salty seasoning to go on my food.

Yeah, but as I’ve said before, why act just like them? Be the better person. I’ve been called a troll a handful of times for no other reason than I thought separation was a good idea. Now that it happened, I don’t rub it in those people’s faces. It just creates animosity.

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Yeah, I get it. Your only sense of enjoyment is schadenfreude

Hello hound dog, it’s a hot summer day and there is the rug on the porch, have a lie down.

Yes, especially when its the ones that act like internet tough guys, until the tables turn.

So now it’s your turn to act like the internet tough guy. Or maybe the smaller guy behind the tough guy who does all of the antagonizing?

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Some people are firm believers in eye for an eye, it’s best not to feed them.

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Nope now it’s my turn to laugh at them.

So let’s see your SS’s of all these awesome games. Oh what, don’t have any?

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This is what happens when you are currently logged into a character and then come to forums to post as that character but had to switch the “post as”. It happened to me the other day. The profile pic will update/refresh soon.