14 year sub, cancelled

I do try. I am actually kicking myself in the rear end because I feel partly responsible for this separation.

I was pretty darned vocal about it, and was pretty much as anti-twink as they came until I saw not only that not all twinks are jerks, but actually not nearly as prevalent in the upper brackets as everyone made them out to be.

And then I met the ones I met, and WoW actually became an MMO for the first time in 10 years.

In all these years, I had made friends with literally THREE people, and in the span of a few weeks, my friend’s list had grown to over 50 people, and 10+ active conversations per day with people telling me about their lives.

There is a strange hushed feeling now, with a lot not being able to log in, and the rest this strange eerie, almost subdued feeling.
It’s been very disheartening.

I really am kicking myself in the keester, because at the end of the day my complaints about twinks ultimately caused me to basically shoot myself in my own foot, so to speak.
Delicious irony lol :frowning:


How do you create a blizzard account community?
I’m a bit on the old side, so I need some direction sometimes.

it was only a matter of time. The separation was going to come back at some point. I am sure templates may replace xpoff eventually too.

Once the population statistics are available and have been analyzed for each system (Combined, Separated, templates) Activision/Blizzard will beable to make more permanent implications. Until then, they are pretty much in the air about the whole twink ordeal. That is what I think anyways.

we will most likely see a better solution to leveling via battlegrounds and twinking in the next xpac.

I’m not sure they even care that much anymore, TBH.
I don’t have much hope for the next expansion, (assuming there will even be one) because BFA was just so… bad.

I have heard rumors that they are reviving the Lich King, though, so that might be pretty cool if it’s true.

its all about the $$$ and to make that $$$ you need the #'s, the #'s will show where to focus thus reinforcing the decisions made and hopefully leading to increased #'s and more $$$.

or something like that :exploding_head:

the twink community needs to make that radar ping so they know to look this way. that way we can contribute to that $$$ making, decision supporting, action.

Farewell, Nubil.
Thank you very much for being part of my community.

I respect your honesty in admitting that.

Another thought… why not just advocate for improvements to max level PvP systems? Also, by choosing the route of twinking you’re demonstrating how you would rather take an easy route against leveling opponents who are basically clueless about why/how your toon is more powerful than theirs. How is that fun/challenging for you after maybe a couple games?

Don’t let the door hit you.

This just proves the point that all the “twinks” didn’t really care about “Playing against other twinks” like they claimed in every post. all of a sudden you can’t farm a GY in a match and its “boo hoo, the twink community are unsubbing and the que times are long” and “boo hoo, I am quiting.”

You got what you all wanted to play other twinks so why all the tears? Oh yeah it was never about that. It was always about farming GY’s and giving yourself a pat on the back for ruining other peoples matches.

It’s the middle brackets where twinks are scarce and not able to find matches. 19s 29s and 119s won’t have an issue.

Can you elaborate more on how this "proves the point that all the “twinks” didn’t really care about “playing against other twinks”?


Quitting in droves because they have their own que… yeah that pretty much sums it up. The ques wouldn’t have changed much but without being able to stomp on people they quit. Not saying all the people that twinked were trash people, but its pretty clear now that most are.

You think that’s the ONLY reason people are quitting? Because they can’t stomp poorly prepared levelers?

I know you say queue times wouldn’t have changed that much, but did you try? I’ve been reading reports to the contrary in other threads. Just seems like you’re just jumping to the conclusion that you want.

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I already summed it up for you.

The queues wouldn’t have changed much? Looooooooooooool

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They are probably thinking all twinks stop at 19 :joy:

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Another pleb who is so set in his bias that he cannot believe the droves of people saying otherwise. For the n’th time, there were never enough twinks in mid-level brackets to field full teams, so queues are now infinitely long. Players quitting or not, this would still be the case. Keep clogging up the thread with your nonsense, though…makes the others on the ignorant bandwagon think you’re cool.


Well we can see it’s like talking to a wall.

Again, proof you are nothing but an ignorant troll.


No, the comments prove that those of you that twink do so to pat yourself on the back from camping a GY and are afraid of meeting anyone on equal terms. You are the vocal MINORITY. so get over it.