14 year sub, cancelled

I twinked it’s not an assumption.

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So because you twink, you know the reasons and motivations for every other twink out there?

I’m a holy priest, I’m not dominating anyone, and I died just as many times as anyone else, and got graveyard camped just like everyone else.

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Ok let’s pretend it was just to have fun, and you let the lowbies run by with a wave.

buncha spitters they are. pshh

gotta do better than that if we want twinkdom to stay alive.

Just another troll and she wonders why her other post was removed/reported back then


Free speech Oäk, we don’t have to agree. Funny how my opinion is trolling but everyone else from the twink community is not?

Can you define “lowbies” please?

I’m a HEALER, I spent just as much time healing non-twinks, as I did healing twinks, probably more so because of the survivability factor.

After about 12 am central time, I was quite literally the ONLY “twink” in many, many Bg’s on the side I was on.

Especially horde side 80’s bracket, which was having a serious shortage of twinks lately.

See heres the thing for the past few months people were saying we were trolling for having a opinion but now that the shoes on the other foot its your opinion isn’t trolling now


i have done that before. I let non twinks run by me, /wave, /bow, essentially giving them a free pass, then I would kill their twinked team mates. If no one went and got the poor soul I let go, I did what I had to and pvp’d them to death :smirk:


I don’t disagree with that.
I want to keep the community alive, but dang! It is hard right now because a lot of good folks can’t log in at the moment because of this bug or whatever affecting video cards =/

3 hour maintenance or patch on Tuesday. Hopefully bugs get fixed and things start moving in the right direction.

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No you and the twink community had an opinion, and were so adamant that the separation would not happen. I knew it was only a matter of time. Git gud was a thing on here for sure.

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see and you and your little group had a opinion too. and it was a git gud situation for sure too


I really hope it fixes the issues with the log in/graphics card thing.
I want my friend back in the game, so we can at least play Bg’s and level together.
And I intend to try and keep the twinking dream alive, but just not sure what to do to help.

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As a healer, I have an obligation to heal everyone on the team, regardless of their status (exp:on or off) or gear.

Not going to lie, I did give prime heals to that one special friend, but generally that was because he was busy going after other twinks, because he wanted the competition, and we still do, but the upper bracket Bg’s are just not popping, plus he can’t even log in anyway, so we are in limbo, and it stinks =/

Tianhai I remember you. I believe you are a nice person by the way you post. One of the more honest posters on here got to say.

Yes that’s true. I have never actually said to a fellow player git gud. I prefer to help them learn.

recruit, socialize, make the players you associate with aware of the good times that go along with twinking. Join an already active twink bracket/community.

Most important of all, HAVE FUN :hugs:

I’m in a community that had a lot of people, but seems to have fallen apart with this patch, with most of them not able to log in atm. or they unsubbed,
Not sure how to recruit right now since queues don’t pop.
I’d love to organize some wargames, but a lot of the people I talked to were like “and get paired against (name removed)?” Yeah, no thanks!"
The 80’s bracket is currently dead =/

i hear ya :pensive:

Creating a Blizzard account community is a good place to start as members from both factions can join. get enough involved and setting up a time is essential in the beginning. If things improve and more players join, a broader up time and larger matches would become available. Its all what if and hopefully but so long as someone is advocating for its survival it isn’t dead :wink: