14 year sub, cancelled

You stated the obvious not me.

If you got all that just from that sentence thatā€™s sad as nobody owns the forums I am just saying looks like your not having fun since u come back here

Oh so how do you make that out? You assume so much.

You would be >having fun playing the game< since everybody else has left these threads but nope you some how keep comin back

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You having fun? Because I am with wow on one screen in low level bgs, and the forums on the other. 2019 has been a blast so far!

lol bitter much.

It seems you cant keep awayā€¦

SS and videos please.

like I said if you were you wouldnā€™t be here.

lol cry me a river buddy, do you even play? Or just hang out here?

I do way more then you do and oh hey look theirs that anger I was wondering when it was gonna come out

Awww yer wee gobby face all sadā€¦keep on believing your own thing :slight_smile:

lol too funny. Iā€™m happy you think about me.

No problem enjoy your graveyard camps

Yawn. One in 35 bgs its been a blast. Iā€™m good with that.

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Yeah, I saw an ā€œattemptā€ at one after almost 30 games but thatā€™s it. Games are so much better now. Very smart move on Blizzardā€™s part.

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You guys act like you would be totally okay with playing with other twinks as long as it was a short queue time. But in reality youā€™re just looking to easily decimate enemy levelers. You actually want to twink with other twinks? Level to 120 and get the best gear ever. Everyone is doing the same there too.

I donā€™t care about people twinking. Really, I donā€™t. Itā€™s just the ones that pretend like they arenā€™t doing it for the kicks they get out of one shotting people.


Yet another hero who thinks his head-trash is the basis for othersā€™ reality. /golfclap

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Yeah I ACTUALLY do want to fight other twinks.
If the queues would actually pop for my bracket, I would be as happy as a clam.
Please stop with the hyperbole that all twinks are these mean evil killing machines who cackle as they farm people.
There might be some people like that, but the group I ran with, yeah we made it a point to hunt those types because we wanted the competition, and because it was fun to delete people with that attitude.
Oh and we died just as many times as they did.
Twinks are not unkillable godsā€¦

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Perfect, I love twink threads.

Honestly Iā€™m glad there is a lot of discussion about it, I just wish there was some new blood lol.

So Iā€™ve taken on myself to play as a ā€œnew levelerā€ no heirlooms, trying not to minmax or gear hunt. A lot of pre29 issues is strictly gear availability and stat allocation. (I finally hit 19 after like almost 7 hours of /played), ended up going like 6-3 in bgs (alliance). Some stuff I saw was heirloomed toons had like 1k how and nonheirloomed (myself) had like 500. Big gap. And those players werenā€™t even enchanted.

Gearing is an issue too. I saw a rogue using strong weapon cuz it looked cooler (heirloom) rather than the agi one. Or players who just wore wrong stated off pieces. Or didnā€™t use two heirloom trinkets. Most players didnā€™t have leveling enchants of any kind (something I always do because it letā€™s me kill stuff faster and pull more junk).

People not caring about gear is an issue, but itā€™s compounded by the difference in heirlooms vs non heirlooms (other than eng I donā€™t think there is trinkets for 19-29 really, and limited helms as well). Also compounded by the strength of some enchants (crusader). The game I got gy camped was a mix of the enemy team being premade and my team being white geared.

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