14 year sub, cancelled

Anything to keep those metrics up…

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Take a good look, lots of work went into these threads.
Lots of time, lots of money, lots of gold.

i wish people would start to understand blizzard doesnt care.they will just release a new toy or mount in the store to make up for the sub loss.

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I was talking about the sockpuppets.

Funny story… another well known whiner about twinks on here doesn’t even play anymore, and hasn’t in quite awhile.


Huh not too surprised

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I mean… when you have an agenda, you gotta inflate the stories right?
The twinks are everywhere just ruining every BG, even though GY camping, and blow out games are still happening lol.


No its #MBGA and we did.

Once again GY Camping will still be a thing (Not so often), blow out games will happen (Not so often). I’ve played 25 bgs on my lvl 34 rogue. GY camped once. Had a huge losing streak last night but not complaining.

I’ve adopted GY camping on my enchanted leveling toons to keep it in style since all the twinks are gone now.



That was me with twinks in the picture


the reason they aren’t queing anymore is…
they are no longer allowed to seal club.

wtf i can’t one-two shot ppl anymore?

good riddance.


Huh… go figure. I am still seeing people being deleted in a few hits by hierloomed players who are all enchanted up.
Man, we need to separate those guys.


enjoying those greater pyros?

not going to happen

No but we are enjoying the more level playing field in the bgs. It’s a joy.

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Must not be I mean you are still here

As you are.


Oäk thinks he owns the forums, and he is a moderator. You see I pay my sub, I am entitled along with that sub to have an opinion as you do. :slight_smile: