14 year sub, cancelled

Within the rules of the game, and what Blizz deems reasonable.

Twinks didnā€™t go against the rules.

There are those that do though and thatā€™s what I said. Not all twinks.

Who and what?

Just watch youtube etc if you want to investigate it. Iā€™m off to bed. Goodnight.

Trinkets toys and anything that gives you the advantage is not against the rules. So who and what did they use that wasnā€™t allowed? Iā€™ll see your answer when you wake up. GN pumpkin!

Clip 1: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/385300388
Clip 2: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/385301720
Clip 3: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/385304224

None of that is twink specific. Cheaters are cheaters.

Level 19 twink bgs. From the twink forums.

Okay but thatā€™s a cheater. They can be non twinks too. They are at 120 as well.

Yah but thats my point. Itā€™s more prevalent amongst twinks etc. iā€™m not saying others cant do it, but twinks know this stuff. Not the majority of them I have to say do it, there is always bad eggs though that gives the rest of the leveling player base a sour taste.

Not even close to the majority do it.


Oh I know that, but it only takes one or two.

So everything in life is screwed I guess.

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Bed this time lol!

I guess it is! lol talk later.

Yes ok see ya have a gn.

Maybe we should also screen for twinks on flights, so we can keep them all out of our country; Build that wall! #MAGA

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For someone who does supposly enjoy the game she sure does love coming back here


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