14 year sub, cancelled

I can still twink a toon at 110, and at any level if I wanted.

Hold up, are you one of these mass rioters to get more people to queue at your bracket? Like JWL was?

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Donā€™t know what you mean?

Pushing xp off so more people populate one bracket

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nah not my scene.

btw, week later and they still arenā€™t different.

if you are meaning there is a winner and a loser and possible draw games no they have not, but the balance is a lot better, not the same overloaded toons. Thatā€™s my experience anyway.

Now Iā€™m on top of damage almost every game and some are doing 1/4 (if that) of my damage. So yes, some damage scaled down, but thatā€™s about it

Iā€™m top damage on my 120 balance druid, dot dot dot, dot dot dot, and more dots. AV is so wonderful for Balance especially.

Yea thatā€™s literally the only difference in Bgs I see since the removal.

Balance druid has been strong through Legion and BFA in bgs especially. Good healing and survivability for the smart ones.

Yep even with twinks in the picture. Hence a class issue.

Yeah a twink balance druid is an awesome fearsome beast as my video showed.

Which video? Link again pls?

Oh its the old one from WSG, where the twink druid was melting face. It was on the forums here for a while.

I melt face on mine atm hence a class issue.

I dont disagree, but in the hands of an overtuned twink even more so.

So rather than them balancing an actual problem in Bgs letā€™s separate.

You see along with twinking comes exploitation, trinkets, toys and anything that gives you the advantage, itā€™s a power game. (Not all twinks) This gives the ā€œreasonable twinkā€ population a bad name unfortunately. Letā€™s not pretend there was things needing tuned, I know that, but that does not mean twinks stop using them until fixed. Hence the reason they need to fight amongst themselves.

I use anything I can get my hands on too. Why wouldnā€™t you? None of that is exploitation.