14 year sub, cancelled

I did enough at 110-119 to experience the negative side of it. Then I decided I would do a bit of it myself to survive through the bgs on my alliance alts, it was fun I will admit it, but I was always prepared for the change.

Ah yes, the 110-119 again. Only 1 of 3 brackets that actually benefits from this

Having been a twink at level 29 back in the day, I do know what the main objective is though :slight_smile:

Not all twinks are built the same

Either are leveling players funny enough.

Yea, and I get that.

Also, this is not ā€œback in the dayā€ First, there arenā€™t nearly the same number of players. Second, gear is not near as powerful as it used to be.

With all due respect if you have never twinked you would not know.

It is now back in the day since twinks got removed from the xp on ques.


Iā€™ve leveled in BGs before. They have had more low level adjustments now than ever

Got to say it is very addictive having the power, I guess you are right in some ways. We had engineering helmets, rocket boots, parachute cloaks. Brilliant fun.

I know I am as I did many leveling BGs with twinks in them this expansion. They were not the problemā€¦ in 75% of brackets anyway. What Blizz should have done was add gems to heirloom gear (even 1 gem would have done it)

I disagree they were not a problem though. I think when we got removed into xp off queues 'back in the day" we complained bad about it, did not change anything.

What levels are your leveling toons?

out of my 30 plus toons ranging from 20 to 120. Iā€™m like you I do not pve very much.

But you said you quitā€¦ so what levels did you actually BG in?

Most of them. My toons range through the different levels.

So probably just a handful each level? I mean, you said you also twinked at 110, and quitā€¦

Yep went to play ESO and still do itā€™s great game. You seem to forget they have not stopped twinks, just xp off.

How do you figure?

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