12 Classes / 4 Covenants

Good players can handle decision making, we want to be able to make a decision, not have it decided for us.

How is that a hard concept ?

No, the complaint is that they are tied to begin with.

Yes, I will, to both. I was especially looking forward to the transmog. But the transmog I want doesn’t have a good ability.

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Which your precious, meaningful membership will be revoked after two years and your soul mate(s) will abandon you because reasons. Just saying.

Considering I played a paladin in legion on Tich I can say false.

Class halls didnt have the AH as well as it didnt have ease to access the dungeons.

Everyone stayed in Dalaran or sw/org.

Meta is picking the mathematically best option for what ever situation your in. You don’t need to be

To know that.

If the mathematically best choice for every situation, drastic or other wise, is ability a then it is the meta option.

Ironically classic would be in line with those suggestions and it’s quite bustling.

Not that retail should mold back to that though.

These people don’t even play content where covenant choice matters lol

Well the already removed Ursoc, so its a step in the right direction.

You will not wear that mog for the entire expansion I 100% Guarantee that.

You are whining about the most pointless of things.

If they uncoupled them you would still complain.

I’ve seen it every time blizzard caves in and does something. People generally the ones that wanted it still get upset because Blizzard didnt do it to an exact T to what they wanted.

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They just want to cry for any reason, they’re children

Your choice is already decided by your calculator. You openly admitted you ‘use maths’ to make your pick.

How can you be this debilitated by a choice that should be easy?

Man these forums are absurd.

People really trying to butcher Covenants before the damn game is even out.

Thankfully Blizzard is ignoring this crowd.


It’s not even a choice, you just sim it for the content you want to do. EZPZ.

I don’t get why the OP doesn’t mesh well with casuals.

The entire point was to create a compromise. Having class abilities as talents makes the meta crowd happy since they’re not stuck behind a choice gimmick.

In turn, the causal crowd isn’t impacted as bad as 1 half of the thread thinks they are since the covenant choice would still exist and would still dictate, your questing, your cosmetics, your soulbinds, and your covenant signature ability.

Why do you casual needs to have the class abitiities tied down? If it’s cus of the covenant animations then Blizz could easily add covenant glyphs to keep those animations.

clearly its not decided for you if you want to have every covenant ability for different situations.

When the time comes I will have done what needed to be done, I will move on, back to the world of the living where a new threat awaits me. I will not forget my time spent here, after all, what matters is the journey not the destination.

We don’t want easy content that’s swapped by everyone. We like player choice and character identity. It has nothing to do with being casual lol

You should play COD, you can swap abilities and guns there every match


The meta crowd always picks the choice gimmick. That’s what makes the meta slaves in the first place.

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You realise this has nothing to do with “Tich”, the class halls were cross-realm.

Orgrimmar doesn’t have ease of access to dungeons either… you need to step out of town for that. For AFK’ing, plenty of people were in Light’s Hope.

Yes, Blizzard spends massive amount of art ressources and sells Covenants based on their esthetics, and me being upset I can’t pick the one I want is “pointless”.

You’re so logical.

Holy crap the choice is still there! Thrall’s Balls!


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