12 Classes / 4 Covenants

It’s not just mog, it’s literally your hub where you hang out. Do you want to hang out in a boneyard, in a gothic castle, or in some hippy love fest clearing with fairies and wisps.

So then what would it change for you to have the power component uncoupled from the mog ? Even better, you don’t have to farm mogs to unlock power. Since you don’t care about them.

Yeah it does. Because that would be the “meta” or as you like to say mathematically best choice.

Sometimes meta is obvious, sometimes its subtle.

In the end the 2 choices I mention are still the best solutions. Either stop caring or promote better balancing.

The only relevant part of the covenant system is the coercion involved in forcing players to make a choice gimping their characters in most content or roles for the entire expansion. The rest is just smoke and mirrors intended to disguise the fact that the target demographic is control freaks who barely play the game themselves but can’t have fun if everybody else isn’t suffering.

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Because not all players want to look the same, unless it has something to do with hardcore gameplay/progression., Your gear use to show others how “good” you were… Transmog ruined this…

That sounds cool but not as cool as whats already in store.

I mean I dont care because like most people I’ll prolly hang out in the main city. Or Stormwind/Orgrimar

We had class halls barely anyone stayed in them other then to do a mission board or change bow the weps looked.

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No, that wouldn’t be “meta”. Meta doesn’t mean avoiding completely butchered talents. People that don’t play at high level shouldn’t even try to define what meta means.

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Ok, this is what I don’t get. You don’t care. Obviously. So why do you care that people who do care about it want it changed to be overall better for those of us who actually care ?

The Paladin Class Hall was literally filled with Paladins at all times.

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Just mark it as spam guys. These people aren’t quitting WoW. They’re here to complain and stay.

The game already has enough conveniences. It’s absolutely astonishing ‘good’ players can’t handle decision making outside of an instance.

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The complaint is they wont be able to be in the cov they want with the best ability.

Yet regardless of what cov you pick, you wont hang out in it, you want wear the transmog.
Instead it will be blizzard why am I a necro lord using this blue ability that is still so much better then the others.

You mean you use dead talents and consider that using dead talents is part of the meta?

So your faith in Blizzard balancing them in “Because every expansions has its issues?” I know that’s become the standard as of late, but it doesn’t have to be.

Having one non-functional system per expac only became a thing whenever they have tried different iterations of this same concept…

Yeah they want you to think that, but for the a button you press every 2-3 minutes does not a class make. The horrific balancing problems make it so you have to choose what’s best for your spec. If you want to change specs, wait two weeks and fall behind on renown. It’s a bad system.

I can’t imagine how pathetic your life is

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Its fantastic, I don’t waste my time wiping to hilariously easy game mechanics

Since this games concept it has had plenty of issues. As well as good things.

The game changes the player base stays the same whiny people.


Decision or choice? Decisions are easy, but the choice is the problem.

Yes. The game has too many conveniences. We should start by removing flightmasters and flight entirely. Remove AoE looting. Remove vendor mounts. Remove the group finder. The truly hardcore game is one where inconveniences are the content.

Good thing most people don’t pug and have to deal with toxic turds like you.