12 Classes / 4 Covenants

Means 48 class abilities locked behind arbitrary and tedious means to switch around. Not to mention some abilities out of the 4 for each class could be better for 1 spec than the other.

Please Blizzard, just make the covenant abilities into a Lv 60 talent row. Take the month you have left to tweek them and redesign their animations.

There’s no way these 48 abilities are going to be balanced enough to make the choice gimmick not feel like a hindrance to player power.

Just take 3 of the 4 for each class and simply make them into a talent row. Take the remaining 4th and either bake it in to the class or scrap it.

The Covenant signature abilities can stay as they’re just utility and are essentially beefed up racials that can be changed without a payed transaction.

I think this is the best compromise for the situation we’re in.


They’re not meant to be changed around. Hence why it’s tedious.


Covenant abilities must be new talent row
covenants should just change visuals of abilities

But it’s too late to change anything, so pray that your class has visuals and good ability in same covenant


Doesn’t mean it’s the right course of action. Again, the signature abilities won’t matter as much and shoudl remain as is with the choice gimmick. Class abilities, on the other hand, should not be treated as such.

This is why priest racial abilities don’t exist anymore.


Right, but most specs have outliers that are far better than the other options, meaning you wouldn’t be using the abilities anyway, even if you did have the choice. One example I can think of off the top of my head is the Venthyr ability for Ret Paladins; it’s awful, in every sense of the word, and the night fae one is extremely clunky to use. I’m not missing anything.

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Yes, but what if you absolutely loved the Night Fae Aesthetics or wanted to do their story because you’re invested in Ysera? Why should you be making story/aesthetic decisions that lock you into power abilities?


That’s a ability design issue. Just because that might be the case for 1 class doesn’t mean it’s the same for every other class.

They aren’t changing it.

Not yet anyway. Meta slaves will have to adapt for at least a patch or two.


Horse = Dead and beaten


Why shouldn’t they

How does 12 times 4 equal 42 ?

I don’t know. I’m not a game developer and I haven’t played with the system.

But you play WoW right? Do you think that making one of your talent rows a permanent choice would make the game more fun?


Oh god, 48, I mean 48!!


So glad I don’t meta.


Oh no, you can’t have all the abilities at the same time? what will you do now? We always had access to every ability in the game and now some of them are locked? This is madness!!! /s

Of course, talent rows are much more interesting than covenants. /s

Yes, just re-do a significant part of the expansion, after saying you wouldn’t and you didn’t agree, we clearly can’t have a person that can’t use all the abilities that they want. /s

Yes and in the mean time just get rid of classes. There is no way to make classes balanced enough not to feel like a hindrance to player power. Everyone should just have the same set of abilities and they change colors based on the player’s current mood.

Oh a compromise? I don’t think gutting the entire covenant system can be called a compromise.

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Yeah, who needs perma 15% damage reduction and perma 15% strength as Blood. I’m sure the other 3 covenants offer something similar… wait, an arm that pulls more mobs to hit me for full damage ? Rip.


Even if you don’t meta, casual players will be inconvenienced too. Like one of the posers above me said, imagine if you were locked into all your talent choices, casual or not.

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If I had to choose between a talent row at level 60 and a choice of which transmog to wear and which zone to hang out in as a base and the Covenant ability/Soulbind/Conduit system that will pick my covenant for and my base zone for me…

… I’d go for the talent row. At least I won’t have to stare at trees and unicorns and fairies all day and won’t be stuck in a hollow tree as armor.


Gutting the covenant system? Did you not read? Everything about covenants can stay. Soulbinds, conduits, cosmetics, and SIGNATURE ABILITIES. I’m just talking about class abilities. Imagine if you were locked to your talents, does that seem fun to you?

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