12 Classes / 4 Covenants

Except talents are not a restrictive as covenants which is the problem.

It’s a sub spec, it’s intended to be restrictive. Why can’t you grasp this?

I don’t even want that, I don’t care about that. Heck, make the power choice permanent, I don’t care. I want to be able to pick my favorite esthetics without it affecting my player power. Right now, I’m locked in to Night Fae, even if it were a choice, I’d be locked in to Death’s Due. I don’t want to swap Death’s Due, I just don’t want to wear wood as armor and hang out in a forest.

Oh, oh no. Meta gamers are inconvenienced, again! Better rectify that!


Then it’s not very meaningful, is it?

How the heck is not meaningful ? It’s literally the choice Ion said I should be making.

They’re a big part of this game. keeping class abilities as talents makes them happy and keeping signature abilities tied to the choice makes casuals happy.

Your choice remains meaningful.

Power = meaningful.
Cosmetics = not meaningful

got it 5head?

It’s not about casuals. It’s about meaningful content and not swapping like it’s Call of Duty, between matches.

There’s no meaningful power choice, it’s based on math.

Cosmetics are the reason most player play this game at all. Without transmog, I doubt you’d have anyone left even playing after BfA.

I have pugged every expansion I have played with 0 problem. Stop forcing people to join guilds. The new recruitment system is garbage and it is very hard to find meaningful connections with guild mates these days if you are not from a pre-existing guild. Your ignorance seems to be a thread on how your play-style which is seemingly nothing is better for the game than the rest of the community. I even pugged in vanilla/classic with literally 0 problem which is really when guilds meant something.

Again show me one logical opinion of yours on how the current system is not incredibly flawed.

I thought it was balancing not the restrictiveness?

You are really inconsistent with what the problem is.

Is it the balanceing? Which freely swapping doesnt solve.

Or being restricted. Which freely swapping does solve, but reduces the impact of your choice making inch closer to meaningless.

Look you clearly are confused so here.

Tich is s very populated realm regardless of cross realm if I barely saw people in the class hall other then to empower the weps then it wasnt full.

Dalaran has ease to access so people stayed in dalaran.

But my paladin didnt have Engineering so where would I likely stay for ease of access to an AH. Oh right org.

Also the necrolord cov is amazing for Death Knights so let’s calm down mr I have to be this so I can be world first.

You wont be world first calm down play what you want.

I’ve played way before transmog existed. You literally have no idea what the fk you’re talking about. People want power WITH their cosmetics.

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No. MMO RPG’s are about guilds and guild community. Go away pug star.


That’s really sad…

Except it still is if they went down the talent path.

i stand by the priest analogy.

If priest racials were too much of a balancing hurdle, why would blizz double down on that concept and inject it with steroids and call it geniouse??? It makes no sense.

If blizz stuck with something like priest racials then my argument would have no leverage.

Doesn’t convince me why Pelagos wouldn’t visit me and replace those spirit healers and talk to me like how Bwonsamdi did. After all, he’s supposed to be my soul mate no? Why wouldn’t he be there and weep for me when I died?

That is not true. I have met plenty of people throughout the years pugging and did not join a guild. That was when they had meaning.

Guilds now are just giant recruitment bots with still no interaction between players. Like I said unless a hard core guild or one thats been together for YEARS, guilds are essentially pointless in this current expansion.

Stop telling people what a MMO RPG is about. Guilds is not it. Community maybe but blizzard ruined that years ago.

It wasn’t until the Horde started screaming that Dwarf Priest’s were super OP and the cavalcade of ‘but they have it better’ demolished faction identity.

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