12 Classes / 4 Covenants

You claim to use math to do the best but the progress on that toon you are posting on shows you must not be good at math.

Why would it need to be nerfed it they just fixed it now.

Your view points are very triggering because there is no logic. Please just explain one logical reason your opinion makes sense.

Join a guild. Problem solved. This game should not cater to Pug Heroes.

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What is this new fangled “meta slave” ad hominem anyway ?

Meta picks don’t mean picking obviously overpowered talents over obviously broken talents meant to not be used.

Meta picks means playing Fire on a certain boss because it performs 2% better than Frost. Or benching BM Hunters for Destro Warlocks for a fight, because Havoc gives them a 1% edge.

And the group next to you not doing the “meta” kills it in 10 extra pulls or something.

That’s “meta slave” if you really want to use that cringy term. People that don’t even know what a meta is trying to tell others they’re “meta slaves”. Come on guys, it just further proves you have no clue what is going on.

No, I adapt plenty. I just don’t need a calculator or chase trends in order to do it.

Legendaries are unique as they are meant to be obscene.

They have nerfed Azeratie, and corruptions. So yes they are looking at them.

Corruptions are going to exist for a single raid teir and a single patch in this games time line that is nothing.

Azeraite has been being messed with since the start of BFA’S launch. So ya I will say they will keep an eye on the covenants.

Adapt to what ? WQs ? There’s no adaptation needed, I literally do them by clicking spells out of my spell book, while watching vids on Youtube.

Because this is not my main. You’re free to look up my Raider.io, my main is linked. You could have also checked my achievements.

Heroics, M+15’s, and other content. The only reason to Sim everything to death or to make your calculator your next waifu is if you’re doing Mythic, cutting-edge content, which I don’t find appealing killing the same boss for the fourth time.

Gee, if only my main was 12/12M, Cutting edge, Hall of Fame. Oh wait. It is.

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And yet there are still azerite traits that are effectively dead traits. They had such a problem balancing them they resorted to just putting classes’ BiS traits on Nyalotha raid gear.

I don’t know how you can have faith for them, they have literally failed to balance thesee things in EVERY iteration of them.

1 I don’t care as I stated on that toon.
2 people will be night far regardless of what you think.
3 making it talents wont fix anything.

The only good thing about this system is it’s going to be WAY easier to pick out garbage players and not waste the time trying to group with them. They’ll sign up for a key or raid, ill ask their covenant and auto-decline. EZPZ



Uncoupling the power component from the Covenant esthetics will allow players to pick their esthetics like Ion pointed out, play their “Kyrian Paladin”, while not being completely mathematically inferior.

There’s no benefit to tying esthetic choices to player power.

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until everyone is a variety of different covenants because we all play the game differently and you end up waiting 4 hours to fill your group because if you’re not the covenant that’s 5% better you get declined.

Because every expansions has its issues.

As well as its positives. I’m whatever about corruption is it stupid sure. But never again will people be able to do such crazy numbers with there stats.

You told me it mattered, well, there you go. Don’t ask next time if you don’t want to get answered.

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Oh ya your right the transmog that everyone will wear one time will def be the way to make people happy.

No one will wear those transmog for more then a month.

Did you read what I posted or just laser focused it out of context?