12 Classes / 4 Covenants

The signature abilities aren’t the important part. It’s about how each class is affected and each role. They want to have it so you have to choose between being the best at raids, or M+ or pvp, or Thorgast or one specific boss or the other.

The entire point of the system is that there’s a point where you aren’t “optimized” for it, and that’s okay.


Calm down. It’s not that serious. That’s the best part about being in a friendly guild; everyone is chill. They’re not aggressive like some forgettable Pug chaff that complains in every pug she’s in.

You don’t need covenants at all to have classes excel and be mediocre at different forms of content. Class abilities just adds a stupid layer to that which is not needed.

I dont complain to groups im in about contect. I don’t complain at all. I am merely pointing out a fact that you have not played this game and yet still feel as though your opinion is FACT. you literally have acheived nothing and talk to your nice guild. I have achieved playing 2 weeks the exact same as you and talk to friends everyday without needing a guild.

My point is you are so ignorant and trollish and have nothing to back it up. Post on your M+ 15 full mythic raid progression guild character and prove me wrong and ill stop.

No one cares. You’re forgettable PuG chaff. Blow away chaff, blow away. You’re the last person that needs catering to.

You need some form of choice for that. Right now you can just farm gear and consumables for each type of content and perform just the same with relative ease, just change your current set for the other and go.

That’s where the “meaningful choice” comes from. They aren’t trying to gauge if you’ll choose between angels or fauns being cooler, it’s about what content you ultimately choose to optimize for.

Your class and spec isn’t choice enough???

Who do you think does better in arena right now a sin rogue or an outlaw?

Who’s a better melee in a mythic group, an ench or a DH. You don’t know what you’re talking about

I’m trying to be polite here, but the Class Halls were always populated. Archerus still has people there to this day. So essentially, what I’m saying, is that what you’re saying is not something that happened in Legion. But again, I’m trying to be polite.

It’s not even good for PvP. Abom Limb just isn’t very good.

So did I. And without Transmog, I probably would’ve quit long ago.

The vast majority of feedback from actual beta testers says otherwise. People want to make a choice of Covenant, not have that choice imposed by game mechanics.

Catering. LOL you are so funny man. You throw a completely stupid opionion out there with no evidence to back it up, post on what may be your main with no achievements, and then rell me no one cares. Go back to your guild and go do some content… Oh wait… they dont invite you to that you found them through the in game guild recruitment and got instantly invited by a bot.

Piss off.

Ya people go the death knight class hall for a very specific reason they have to. To put runes on.

I dont care if you are polite or not.

The spam death grip is VERY good in pvp dont talk about what you dont know.

Don’t really need to swap runes that often. There’s people there just hanging out. I hang out there still.

It’s 12 seconds every 2 minutes, it’s not spam.

You must not have the beta.

Every death knight in pvp uses the limb because it spams grips.

You clearly have no clue what you are talking about in pvp so stop.

Yes, I have beta.

It’s 12 seconds every 2 minutes.

It clearly isn’t for blizzard. The game is meant to be played by all classes and specs regardless which one is better. Clearly players have proven there that they won’t just all play the “best” option or else every melee would’ve been a DH in BFA. But none of that builds a spec to a more individual level like covenants are doing.

Flashing achievements isn’t the evidence you’re looking for. The game was built for Guilds in mind, for people to build communities around content.

Pug chaff like yourself are exactly that. Chaff. Something to be cut away when its usefulness ends. You’re not even a healer or tank class, just another DPS pugger that thinks the game needs to adapt around her when she can’t even be bothered to join an actual guild.

Like I said, no one has to prove anything to a pug hero because you’re pretty much irrelevant once the instance is over.

Yes as I checked your pvp xp I can say 100% you have no clue about pvp.

It’s spam grip for 12 seconds. You dont understand pvp so I i get it you dont understand that spam gripping meaning every second for 12 seconds if you arent close you get gripped is amazingly busted.

I have the beta so I can say as I’ve tested it its amazing.

Stay in your lane of being wrong.

What do you mean balance 48 spells ? Every class has its own BiS covenant, and if you chose any other you simply belong to that 1% who is not taken serious at any point.

We don’t have choice with covenants. If you wanna choose covenant you need to see for what class is he designed , and play that class in order to play that covenant.

Otherwise for RP reasons , or just to be silly you can choose whatever you want

Blizzard also thought adding CD’s to the GCD was a good idea, now look what happened.

The difference with what you said is that classes are permanent. Covenants aren’t. It’s easier to switch a covenant choice than a class. So then wth is the point of locking class abilities to covenants. There is no meaningful choice there at all when you can swap via a stupid quest.

Hey man, its cool. I got mass invited to RUIN GAMING the first day I came back to the game. Unfortunately all the useless bot spamming in the guild was too annoying and no “content” ever got done and no one besides the GM spamming for players to please join his event ever talked once. Biggest Guild Community of single player people in the game and you insult me.

Go tell you RUIN friends to play with you punk. /wave

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All that organization, between Battle for Najatar; Normal, Heroic, and Mythic Clears; M+ Key runs; and Arena teams and yet you couldn’t find anyone to talk to.

Spare me pug chaff. Clearly you have absolutely zero initiative to even ask anyone to do anything, let alone expect events to just fall at your feet for existing.

They do? I mean, I can understand how you might miss it, since you’re a pugger.