12 Classes / 4 Covenants

Okay, look if the covenant choice was PERMANENT outside of a paid transaction, then I’d probably side with keeping class abilities tied to covenants.

I play a ret and if anyone type of player doesn’t give a poop about meta it’s ret players.

However, covenant choice is not permanent, it can be changed back and forth and the only thing stopping you is some silly tedious arbitrary wall. So wth is the point of meaningful then?

Why not just make it more simple or just don’t make abilities offered by your choice effect your performance by such a large amount. The OP idea here perfectly covers that as signature abilities aren’t as diverse and can be kept tied down, thus keeping player power tied to cosmetics in a level that’d make both parties happy.

This will be my last response to you since you are ignorant as all hell. Classic is a perfect representation of not needing a guild. When MC and Ony were the only 2 raids you could do I could pug those both in 1 night and still have fun chatting in discord. If people didnt know 15 year old content fights, people would explain it to them instead of flame at them.

YOU CAN BUILD A COMMUNITY WITHOUT ever joining a guild. Me and my friends played xrealm arenas for years and did other content together as well never in a guild yet still a community.

Most guild now dont give a crap about their new members. I dare you to quit yours and go on the guild recruitment page and find people that genuinely want to help you out and care about you.

You build people around you not by a guild but by being a decent person and that clearly is not you.

Have a great day.

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And I am fine with it. Why do you keep implying that I’m not.

Why would you assume people who pug dont perform and watch videos before entering the content they are trying to do. Your reasoning is so flawed. Go watch carry streamers who pug the entire raid and it isnt toxic and people will explain things to them.

I do not have to accept that you need a guild to be social in this game because it is a lie that has no bearing on the actual game.

At first I thought you’re fine with it but then I thought you’re not?

Then don’t cry when you’re the first on the chopping block.

Please continue to read the rest of the post instead of quoting the first line.

Oh wait. You can’t. Being illiterate must be why you are so negative.


You know what I’m going to do? I’m going to just roll with the Meta option all of Shadowlands. Then at the end when all endgame is moot, I’ll roll my preferred covenant for cosmetic reasons.

Omg so meaningful you guys, my choice really mattered.

No, I was fine and then I remained fine

And the ad hominem!

Maybe that’s why you’re a pug star…

Like completely fine? On a scale of one to ten, how fine are we talking about?

That’s not a compromise , that’s an entire scrapping of the system lol.

  1. I think I’m getting trolled

Relax Ralph. It’s not about the meta.

You have no content done this xpac, no pvp done, not M+ over 6 and you claim you have a guild and community. I have played for a whopping 2 weeks on and off and have played more of the game than you have this entire xpac without a guild and still talk to people I used to play with again without a guild.

Seems like your guild put you on the chopping block before they ever even let you join.

Keeping everything as is minus class abilities is scrapping the entire system?

Yeah. The rest might as well be just reps. It’s clear the system is meant to tie in to player power. Those asking for it being merely visual are completely missing the point.

That’s why I’m saying to leave in the damn signature abilities and soulbinds! Holy crap man.

36 specs, at least three modes of play.

I’m not a completionist, but I can see how – even two years into the xpac – it would be very confining.