12 Classes / 4 Covenants

You know what… I think I still have a toon in RUIN. Let me see when I can log in and ill get back to you on how useless a community that guild is just to prove to you that you don’t actually have friends and a mass invite guild will not help you make them.

I thought you didn’t like guilds to begin with? Seems a bit sketchy that someone so ‘disinterested’ in a guild was sign up to the same one twice.

Mass invited on every toon I had first day back. Don’t get me wrong at some points in time ive looked for guilds and have joined some decent guilds but literally content can be 100% completed without them and you can still have a comunity.

Obviously I didnt leave RUIN on every alt I log into as little as once an expansion… Ill find one and screen shot how useless you and your friends are in that guild.

I dont think all guilds are bad I dont think you need a guild. I am saying play your way but dont talk crap about other peoples gameplay and essentially I struggle to find anything you do in the game just by looking at you.

RUIN is or was a pvp guild when I got recruited, you have 600hks no arena no nothing. you also dont do M+ and doesnt look like you raid so what do you do? Achievements don’t mean everything but it would show that you play the game in some capacity which you do not but complain people cant see content without a guild and yours does essentially nothing just like you.

Why even comment on the class/covenants to begin with when you wont play that part of the expansion anyway. You will blindly pick one stick with it and log out once you hit max level anyway coming back here telling people there is nothing wrong when you did no research into it in the first place.

Ignorance is very strong with you.

I’ll talk about Pug chaff whenever I want to. As far as any hierarchy would go, pub stars would be on the bottom of a very tall ladder.

You lean too much on appearances. I could explain myself another dozen times, but it would be forgotten again and again.

Why even comment on class/covenants when it has yet to be launched? You’ve no idea what I’ll do when it does and are just prattling on for the sake of it.

Pug chaff aren’t relevant. Who’d bother taking you seriously when you can’t even managed to find a guild and cling to all the conveniences Blizzard made for anti-social players?

Because there is testing done by people who play more than both you and I and there are a lot more of them than you and I. Videos are published, internet sources out there to read up on, and plenty of ways to get your information to make an educated decision on the state of the covenants.

You clearly have done none, don’t care and will log in like a sheep, say hi to a guild thats not active, not try to play any form of content in the game and come here talking crap.

There are plenty of actualy good sources of feedback and you ignore them come here and troll/insult people who dont join your AFK guild that is “required” as part of an MMO. GTFO kid.

You lost this battle and I can’t spend anymore time reading your baseless comments. I hope you play how you want and when the conenant you chose gets nerfed beyod belief, stick to it as that is what you claim needs to be done since blizz is the all mighty god of balance.

Get real and get educated.

And they’re in guilds.

From people who actively participate in guilds and aren’t some Pug chaff trying to puff themselves up as something more.

Leave it to Pug chaff to be concerned about balance. Maybe if you actually had friends covenant’s wouldn’t be an issue for someone like, well you.

Make some friends and get over it, pug star.

You people.

Seriously stop with the adolescent bickering.

There’s a very good point in all of this. Blood DKs are going to have a hard time in their “meaningful” choice because the disparity of the advantage is so great the choice is made for them. The feedback is the balancing act needs to be consistent for each choice for a given spec. Otherwise it’s not a choice.

A lot of people will have a hard time making a meaningful choice for multiple reasons. That is the point of why people are concerned. I realize there are trolls on forums but stupidity from that guy was something totally different.

Carry on with the conversation I am all for not taking 2-3 patches to “balance these choices” and wish Blizz would make better decisions before the release of the game instead of 6 months to a year after and odds are these things still won’t be balanced.

I feel bad for any class who has a hard time choosing or people who like a covenant but can’t play it because their abilities suck compared to others for their class.

So to you, conduits and soulbinds are nothing ? The class ability itself is merely 1 little cog in the system. Heck, most soulbind conduit abilities don’t even modify it. For Venthyr, it seems only 1 Soulbind offers anything to upgrade Swarming Mists, and the upgrade is “You gain X vers when Swarming mist is active”, which could simply be tied to any other number of class abilities easily.

Removing the class abilities, keeping soulbinds, conduits and signature abilities in fact would go a long way to fixing the problem.

You are effectively making the case of why they are nothing.

Have you even bothered checking them out ? They are far from nothing. It’s just they buff your existing toolkit, and all covenants can use pretty much any conduits in their non-Covenant slots.

Here’s the calculator :

See for yourself. They’re basically huge artifact weapons that have no actual built in traits, all the traits come from relics you farm out in the world.

People can choose the covenant they like (RP, Aesthetic, and zone choice) or they can choose the ability which is actually good. There are few instances where these overlap.

You say we can already pick the covenant we like. This is true, but you also make it seem like doing so, or “not caring” as you have done comes without a consequence. This is not the case.

What it basically boils down to is being personally unhappy you chose a covenant you don’t like to be good. Or making people you play with unhappy because you had to have XYZ aesthetic or actually care about the lore.

Pretending like WoW has a surplus of non-progression minded players who openly accept people who knowingly make sub-optimal choices and yet still push the same content you want to push is just delusional. We all know that you are either making an optimal choice and are then allowed into groups pushing content, or you don’t are designated a “casual” and will have difficulty finding (or making) any groups capable of getting anywhere beyond the average.

I think its great that you don’t care about being a min maxer and can still be happy. But please stop pretending like that’s a viable option for everyone. Not everyone has the same mindset as you do, or is happy being gated out of doing the content they want.

What it really boils down to is that some people think these consequences of the choice are “fine” and others see a major problem by forcing the choice of either personal satisfaction at the cost of performance, or performance at the cost of personal satisfaction.

I myself believe a game should make you feel good about your choices in this kind of context…not causing some kind of existential character crisis where you are either unhappy with your covenant but perform well or making others unhappy because you chose poor performance for the sake of RP. To me that just alienates players who value both aspects.

Again, I’m happy you seem content to make your choice and not care about the performance cost…but not everyone is capable of being so nonchalant about how their performance will effect their friends or their ability to DO the content they enjoy.

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But making the freely switchable doesn’t solve that problem. Balancing them does

Making them freely switchable diminishes the impact of the decision which is what they are going for.

Balancing them would solve the problem. It’s even preferable they balance them over any other option in my opinion. However, history demonstrates that blizzard is incapable of doing so to any reasonable degree.

In the absence of balancing being a realistic option…de coupling the abilities is the next logical step. They don’t even have to be “freely” switchable. Just de coupled.

You could put the same 2 week time limit with quests to jump through and it would be fine. The real issue is that people don’t want their covenant ability to be so imbalanced as to overshadow the choice in covenant for the sake of every other aspect in that decision.

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There are lots of practical benefits to de coupling too. Take for instance playing alts. Right now I main rogue, and also have a resto shaman, resto druid, and warlock. As it stands literally EVERY SINGLE ONE of these would be going necrolord as things currently stand.

If abilities were de coupled however, I could pick the necrolord ability and then actually run through covenant campaigns that fit the theme and personal identity of each character.

With things how they are though…there’s no way I’ll play more than one character in SL cause I don’t want to either A: gimp my characters, or B: play through the same exact content four times.

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If you want to go into raiding or M+ competitively, you ARE forced to take the meta covenant for their ability. you won’t get into successful groups with out it in many cases. i got lucky in that my choice of covenant happens to be the most powerful for my main class, but i don’t know about my alts. i have an idea of what i want each to be in, but that depends on what my research turns up. but that won’t be until i’ve worked on my DK for a while.

some of the covenant class abilities are still so stupidly overpowered compared to the others that its almost mandatory to go with that covenant no matter how much you dislike the aesthetics. if it was a 5% difference or something like that, then that wouldn’t be such an issue. there would still be the meta, but it wouldn’t be as mandatory. but right now, as it stands this late in the game, some abilities are still quite a significant increase in power compared to the rest. the NF DK ability being a good example.

hate to see how bad it makes things for PvPers, who already seem to get the short stick in this game.

Well, I do M+15s regularly, I did 6/12 Mythic and I don’t feel forced to do anything right now…

Oh is it now? Too bad I chose my covenant on day 1 of the expansion announcement, the class ability didn’t even factor into the decision process.

You keep using that word mandatory, I don’t think you know what it means.

Good thing we are in beta right in the middle of the balancing process right?

Well, I would never pvp for that exact reason, it is impossible to balance pvp in an MMO, it just doesn’t fit the genre. I find Overwatch a much more enjoyable pvp game.

Just pick what you want

Balancing them seems to be a point of concern. I believe this should be the focus too. Even in the beta forums they asked for feedback where this didn’t make sense (like one choice was an obvious winner).

I’m going for aesthetics and hoping the balance eventually arrives.