11/22 Update: Blizzard Staff are Relentless

The question is… will there be enough outside pressure to oust kotick? The execs would sacrifice puppies if it made them more money. It’s going to take a very large portion of employees to get rid of that scumbag.

you cant be that oblivious and dense…what do you mean what does it have to do with anything? lol its further damage to Kotick. Nothing good went on on that island and some game company CEO there…use that brain meat do the math… Im not spelling it out further.

Cause it’s irrelevant. Also whatever. I don’t care about you. Creep

Ah. But you can’t just fanboy for ActiBlizz all the time. That’s not a good shill. You have to give the appearance of calling them out once in a while to keep up a rapport with the community at large. And at the same time, when the shill puts out his very next video everything is sunshine and rainbows and puppy dogs and unicorns. The ‘bad thing’ is swept under the carpet and memory holed.

It has to do with “Habit” or “Custom” Character Evidence. These are admissible at trial in both Federal and California Law. Which… Is a HUGE problem in this case, which has to do with the relevant issue of the general mistreatment of women. That particular thing might not even come out during trial, or might be specifically suppressed by the judge, but it certainly doesn’t look good and can affect the periphery of a court case.

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What?!? Take personal responsibility?!? NEVER!!!

Oh touché! That’s a ton of $$$

11/18/21 Update

More than 700 Activision Blizzard workers sign petition to drop CEO Bobby Kotick

After walking out of work on Tuesday, Activision Blizzard workers are rallying together to call for CEO Bobby Kotick’s resignation. More than 700 employees, across all studios and departments, have signed the petition. The number of signees continues to grow as the petition circulates.


they are going to fight their way out of jobs if they keep it up

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Fight strong, Blizzard employees! You are doing good work in a den of evil. Never stop fighting.


So who do they listen to the guy who is one of the largest owners of ATVI and who has the support of the ATVI board or 700 employees…

If I was Bobby I would seriously think about moving the headquarters out of that state and put it somewhere with sane people.

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It’s possible to both want to work for a company and not want to be sexually harassed or discriminated against while working there.


I am sure there are and these employees are welcome to leave at any point and go find one. These employees did not walk out in support of a friend that has been harassed or discriminated against, they walked out because they think the CEO is a scummy person.

The truth of the matter is, most CEOs of large public trading companies are not nice people, that’s why they are in the positions they are in. Their main job is to ensure that the company makes money and that the stock performs well.

The problem with a large majority of employees is the fact that they do not educate themselves on the laws that are in place to protect them, and they do not leverage those laws when needed. They believe the employer will be “fair” and actually care about them. This is far from the truth. The employer is in business to be profitable and that will always come before the employees.

When I was in public high school back in the 70’s there was a required class that taught us taught us everything from how to properly use a check book & fill out an application to know your rights as an employee and how to protect yourself in the employment world. Too bad public schools eliminated such classes. It is clear these folks could have used some of the skills it taught.


Then they can become private contractors, and get hired back on to do the work that no one else is trained to do like they can, at five times the amount they make now! That would be a great win for them. Glad you helped think of it. :smiley:


Please, if noone else could do what they do, the game would have been dead when all the original creators left. Furthermore, noone is going to rehire any idiot who willingly got themselves fired.

This so far off-base. These are the guys/gals who feel strongly enough about the work they’ve done to put they their necks on the line to try and protect their workspace and product.

Happy to see so many feel pride and want to continue to provide a product they believe in.

Taking a stand IS taking responsibility. Thank for you fighting so hard.


They probably like their jobs and don’t want to have to change just because of a few things on the outside of their actual day to day activities.

If they were taking a stand, they’d flat out quit and go somewhere else. Commiefornia still gives unlimited unemployment, the easiest welfare system in the country to qualify for, and regular State “stimuli”. They have no worries about getting fired, because their state is a literal lazy persons safety net.

If they ALL walked out right now… WoW would just go on as normal, right?

Yeop. Sure. Totally.

And people do that all the time. They end up quitting/getting fired by derpy management… who then discover that, say hey, they just got rid of the only guy in the company who knows a specific software program. Guess who then contracts back in, if they’re nice enough to do it, at a much higher contract rate than what they made previously?

But, you do you, boo boo. Keep on keepin’ on.

Yep, sure would. Plenty of devs out there to take the jobs.