11/22 Update: Blizzard Staff are Relentless

"Now the Devils have taken Suramar,

and by the curse of the Nightwell I am damned to wither away… as my… city… burns"

-First Arcanist Thalyssra

With Blizzard Staff staging another walk out (11/16/21), both virtually and physically, just wanted to admire how resilient these guys have been.

The Blizzard brand has been taking hits left and right & moral is in the gutter, yet these people are still fighting the good fight for the games, friendships, and victims that they hold dear to their hearts, while risking their careers in the process.

This fight goes beyond Blizzard.

They are not only fighting for their peers, they are fighting for all those within the Gaming Industry as a whole, and the outcome of this ordeal will set the precedent for those who will one day walk in their shoes.

Thank you, and Keep Strong :fist:

11/17/21 Update

Group of Activision Blizzard shareholders joins call for CEO Bobby Kotick’s resignation

A day after Activision Blizzard employees staged a walkout and called for the resignation of CEO Bobby Kotick and several other executives, a group of Activision Blizzard shareholders with a total of 4.8 million shares is similarly asking for the company CEO’s resignation in a letter to the company’s board of directors. The walkout and the letter from shareholders follows a Wall Street Journal report that Kotick was aware of sexual misconduct allegations at the firm but did not inform its board of directors.


11/18/21 Update

More than 700 Activision Blizzard workers sign petition to drop CEO Bobby Kotick

After walking out of work on Tuesday, Activision Blizzard workers are rallying together to call for CEO Bobby Kotick’s resignation. More than 700 employees, across all studios and departments, have signed the petition. The number of signees continues to grow as the petition circulates.

11/20/21 Update

Report: Activision CEO Bobby Kotick Will ‘Consider’ Quitting If He Can’t ‘Fix’ Company’s Culture

Besieged Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick, who last week was the subject of staff walkouts and shareholder calls for his resignation, has said he will “consider leaving the company” if he can’t speedily address the harassment issues that have made headlines around the world this year.


11/22/21 Update

Nintendo Joins Sony And Xbox In Calling Activision Blizzard Crisis ‘Disturbing’

Nintendo has joined the likes of Sony and Xbox, speaking out against Activision Blizzard due to recent reports of sexual misconduct and toxicity.



I’m living under a rock. Will someone explain to me the conditions of this new walk out? :sparkles:


WSJ has made accusations that go as far as the top level of the company. Some members (Activision Blizzard King Alliance) of the company believe it and wish for him to step down and as such have staged a walk out.

Board of directors are supporting the CEO. He has since made a statement to his employees reiterating his commitment to the values of the company (available on Activision press release).


His video statement was actually a lot more telling than even he may realize, and not to his benefit either. lol Those cold, dead eyes and the lack of a soul behind them should have told anyone with half a brain all they needed to know. His words were empty, just like his very own soulless husk.


Maybe they should stop working all together.


Man Legion had some nice cinematics and story.

And nah, Bobby boy is paying them.
I only saw a few there anyway from some pic. I don’t see walk outs really doing anything and I think your thread title is a bit of an over exaggeration.

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At some point they’re going to need to realize they share the golden goose with Bobby.

They continue to threaten it things like shuttering blizzard and leasing the IP to another studio might suddenly be on the table.


It’s looking less like a golden goose and more like a deal with the devil himself at this point.


Telling? I think he just doesn’t have much personality, kinda like Ion H.
But he definitely is BSing a lot. He wouldn’t be agreeing and apologizing in that video. They are in an ongoing lawsuit and his lawyers are definitely keeping track of what he says etc…

On alt levels I never tire of Runas story. Whoever did that one…I’d buy em a drink if I ever met them in a bar.

Side stories they can nail. Its just the big show story that goes all pear shaped lol.

Legion’s only sticking point ws stormheim to me. The whole war story bit for undead and worgen. sigh…guess we have to have this. At least it ended in a nice cinematic.


What proof do they have to make accusations?

Oh I had my gripes with Legion for me but some of the ingame and general cinematics, and some of the story… OP showing the suramar stuff reminds me of the suramar invasion questline that felt so nice but so short. Lots of nicely orchestrated stuff.

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Their sources are usually credible when it comes to particularly scathing articles. Clearly they are of the mind that if they are going to make some pretty serious accusations, then they are going to make them count.

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Without evidence I don’t trust anything they say.

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Okay, cool.

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Yes, so stunning and brave to just walk out of the building in which you work under legal union protection free from retaliation by the company. So bold, so brave, so courageous.


“Sources familiar”

The Hoeg Law channel went over the article with a fine tooth comb and speculated a little bit about who the sources could be based on their best understanding of who could have know what.

I would lean to this.

Now to turn this around…there is always libel. MY take here is shots fired.

Okay…fire back. Libel/slander/defamation of character. Send in the lawyers. when/if this is not done…I go okay. Some truth may be there. Especially in the case of a person who can has the money for a lawyer.

News says a lie…shut it down. then have them pay for your legal fees and other damages.

If, you know, you can win in the courtroom.

It does, greed has allowed these suckers to ruin our game that we have loved and built for so many years.
Get this clown lil’ bob off the helm.