11/22 Update: Blizzard Staff are Relentless

Lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes . When he comes at ya, doesn’t seem to be livin’… until he bites ya.


Is she part of the current lawsuit? Is she a named defendant?

yeah well those shareholders can vote him out next time around - they hold less than 5% of the shares.

AFAIK no women are mentioned specifically by name in the lawsuit.

But you might be thinking of Fran Townsend who was an upper level executive (and torture apologist!) who was involved in some drama regarding Blizzard handling the lawsuit.

Honestly I think they’re going off the article. I don’t personally believe a lick of it, but then I don’t work for the company.

I think it’s sad that it took her resigning for them to make that offer.

This is true. I do understand their PoV to some extent working in private all my working life so far. The end goal and stakeholder satisfaction can often be more important than what’s going to please some members of the public (or even employees in this instance).

With that said - as of 8 hours ago a key ActiBlizz shareholder group have also asked for a change in leadership. 4.8 million shares worth.

I don’t blame them either, 2.5 dollar drop in a day.

I’ve been trying to find it! Any tips as to what to search? :joy:

You’re implying a woman would willingly touch him. The only way he’s going to be touched by a woman is with a tazer.

Please. Twitter alone is filled with women who throw themselves at the dude with the biggest wallet to feed their cashapp. Bobby got no problem getting women to call him Daddy any time he wants.

If that were the case then why do all of these higher up executive class folk get found guilty or ran out for sexual assault and r**e?

Activision Blizzard CEO Bobby Kotick Responds to the Wall Street Journal - Wowhead News

Various youtubers have it in their videos, but this is the most direct approach I could find. Wowhead is Unwanted Ad City, so I was hoping to avoid linking it. But…here you go. Enjoy the nightmare fuel that is this man.


The CEO, Chairman of the Board, and the Lead Independent Director must all go!

Page 31 hes in there.

Which unfortunately they only represent 0.6% of total shares, so literally noise. For comparison Bobby himself owns 4.3M shares.

Look at it from their perspective. Activision is mad that they have products in their roster that aren’t capable of making all the money that ever existed and ever will exist. It isn’t good enough to be in the green. The profit inflation has to be exponential and perpetual. They need a WoW that people can throw $10,000 a month at and still not get anywhere. They simply can not understand why their customers don’t want that for them. The worst part is, I am personally convinced that their strategy of burning it down to build back better will work. They see Black Desert running 4 separate subscription services and progression so brutally gated behind direct monetization that it creates permanent pecking orders of how many digits you spent on the game determines your place in society. They NEED that for WoW.

Along with a few other people it seems. Yeah. Wow. That’s one big creepy kiddie diddler cult.

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and Taliesins put out a video going over alot of the other stuff…and WOW its just GETTING WORSE!

Well, if Taliesin is saying Bobby’s gone, then it’s probably going to happen. If I had to pick one Youtube shill that was the deepest in the pockets of Blizzard’s PR Dept, he’d be it. Most of his videos are A/B testing for them.

(edit) He’s not the only shill doing the “public display of disgust” thing. Like it’s a huge surprise that a Billionaire CEO is more than a little ‘dirty’.

Yeah. I think this is a coordinated effort to shake the retail stockholder tree ahead of an eventual trend reversal so institutions can consolidate and maybe turn a pretty hefty profit. Or at the very least, give the company’s image a hard reset.

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RIP Cered


Huh, the only shills I’ve seen in this whole mess are all the people going to bat for bad corporate behavior.


I wonder if any of these employees have considered finding another job with an employer that they actually want to work for.

What does this have to do with anything? You guys bring this subject up at random and think about them to a point where you’re being creeps