11/22 Update: Blizzard Staff are Relentless

No, it can’t possibly be “the same job”. Do you think they duplicated all the work? Of course not, there was a division of responsibilities.

Same title is not the same as having the same job. They were very obviously doing different things, and knowing Jen she was probably spending her time trying to make the company massively “woke” which works poorly at the C level.

They obviously felt the PR was good at the time they made the offer. Qualified as Mike? No. And her behavior since is pretty strong evidence she has no place in the corporate world.

Because it’d be a monumentally stupid idea for Blizzard not to offer her the same contract as Mike?

Keeping in mind of course that a large reason of why that job opened up so she COULD get it was because Blizzard were being sued for gender discrimination, specifically that women were being underpromoted and underpaid compared to their male counterparts.

So Blizzard in their infinite wisdom…decided to underpay her compared to her male counterpart.

This was not an oversight, with Blizzard actively rejection requests from both her AND Mike for pay parity and only offered her an equal contract when she resigned.

Nah, she’s coming out smelling like roses. She has another high profile gig already lined up and Blizzard rep is taking another nosedive alongside their stock prices with the news coming out about Bobby K.


Thats a matter of opinion. We can agree she smells however.

When you are offered a position like that you negotiate the salary. You want to blame Blizzard for Jen being bad at negotiation? Whatever the pay offer was, she clearly thought it was a good deal when she took the offer.

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there is an adage that directly relates to this… When you have proof you go to court… When you don’t you go to social media.

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I’m blaming Blizzard for being stupid enough to not understand the fact that Jen had leverage. They could have easily renegotiated and both her and Mike gave Blizzard plenty of avenues to do so.

To quote the youth of today, Blizzard f***ed around and found out.

Blizzard are already in court for underpaying their female employees.



With regard to basic human decency, morality and law, this monstrous sob needs to resign, along with anyone accosted with any of the allegations: NOT JUST RESIGN BUT GET PUNISHED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW, and Blizzard needs to start CLEAN on a CLEAN SLATE.



They offered her the job, she had leverage as you say, they made a salary offer, she may have countered, they may then have said “deal”. That’s how these things go. How do you take a job at a salary you just agreed was good for you and then turn around later to whine about it not being enough. If you wanted more you should have asked for more.

When she finally did complain they came back and said “Sure, ok, we can do that higher salary too if you want” but she was butthurt by then and left. Infantile behavior if you ask me. She had a position where she could push for change, they agreed to give her the money she asked for, and still she walked away. Unprofessional and plain dumb.

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They knew what the situation they were coming from was. It was monumentally stupid and short sighted to not go a little out of the ordinary and do it with them both at the same time. You can make the usual excuses for why this happens, but the fact that they were in legal trouble for this nonsense already just makes it absolutely boneheaded that they wouldn’t make sure not to find themself in the same mess in a highly visible spot.


To quote Darth Vader.

“I am altering the deal. Pray I don’t alter it further”.

What they actually said was “yeah, we’ll get riiiiight on that paperwork” which didn’t appear…Until she handed in her resignation.

I’m no believer in coincidences. I highly doubt that the paperwork for her new contract was finished at the perfect time of “exactly when she quit”.

Blizzard could have redone her contract any time they wanted. They took too long, expecting she wouldn’t quit because of it and she called their bluff.

No matter how you slice it, this is a dumpster fire caused entirely by actions at an executive level.


Blizzard had nothing to gain by screwing with her. When you hire someone for the PR value you placate them as long as it takes. I have no doubt they offered her the pay raise and she turned it down because she found much better value in playing the victim card. For all we know she set them up.

With you 100% on that. Activision would be wise to sell off the IP and disband Blizzard.

Which is why the fact they did so baffling. There is literally no way that what she was asking for would cost more than both the negative PR and giving California even more fire for the lawsuit that they have open against Blizzard for doing this exact thing.

It’s like the executive level are going out of their way to make the worst possible decisions.

This crap could basically be an Onion headline it’s that absurd.

If that was the case, why would Mike corroborate her story?

Mike went to bat for her a bunch of times by both her and his account and received nothing. He has no reason to defend her if she’s lying.


What Mike said was that they were offered the co-lead title while under their existing contract and further:

" The first time both Jen and I were offered a new contract, it was the same across both of us for the new co-leader of Blizzard roles, so our compensation was going to be the same."

He does not corroborate Jen’s accusation that this updated contract was offered only after she had resigned. All he says is that the new contract offered to both of them included equal pay.

Everyone was an idiot for accepting the new title without also having agreed upon a new contract.

Except Jen points out she was offered that contract after she resigned.

“When Mike and I were placed in the same co-lead role, we went into the role with our previous compensation, which was not equivalent. It remained that way for some time well after we made multiple rejected requests to change it to parity."

The entire problem was that Blizzard hadn’t updated their contracts to match their new roles.


Which I believe is just Jen setting up for an even more lucrative lawsuit and scoring points in the activist community. Women getting paid less has always played well with the unwashed masses.

100% correct. Amateur hour at all levels.

Seems like this embarrassment would have been easy to avoid if Blizzard had y’know, actually paid them correctly.

Executive incompetence isn’t Jens fault.


Get rid of him and all the right wing capitalists that support him!!

Both she and Mike agreed to take on the roles without first negotiating a new contract. Everyone should have insisted on it, including Jen. That’s executive incompetence all the way around.

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Except neither she or Mike were facing legal action for doing that bs already, so the onus is on the people writing the check to cover their own backsides.


There is truth in that.

Sell the IP, shutdown Blizzard.

Except the difference between the two parties is that Jen and Mike actively tried to fix the issue.

It’s not exactly a Machiavellian master plan to point out issues to your boss and then for your boss to get in crap because they refused to fix those issues.