11/22 Update: Blizzard Staff are Relentless

Didn’t they just hire/promote/whatever this O’Neal person?

Shhh, don’t spoil the magic for the virtue signalers.

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11/17/21 Update

Group of Activision Blizzard shareholders joins call for CEO Bobby Kotick’s resignation

A day after Activision Blizzard employees staged a walkout and called for the resignation of CEO Bobby Kotick and several other executives, a group of Activision Blizzard shareholders with a total of 4.8 million shares is similarly asking for the company CEO’s resignation in a letter to the company’s board of directors. The walkout and the letter from shareholders follows a Wall Street Journal report that Kotick was aware of sexual misconduct allegations at the firm but did not inform its board of directors.


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Woke purple haired cry babies that still get payed when they walk out does not equate to “strong”. Your post is pure lunacy. Also lol @ you sharing WAPO biased crap.



She’s been in the position for three months, realized the pay and treatment discrepancy a month into the job and quit two months later.

As soon as she handed in her resignation, they magically realized her value and decided to offer her equal pay to her male counterpart, which she turned down.

Activision f****d around and found out.


Yay, a whopping 0.6% of shareholders are calling for his resignation. OH NOES. And just for reference, they own 4.8M shares, Bobby himself owns 4.3M shares, he almost cancels them out ALONE.


It’s the second day after all of this has come to light. Hopes are that these shareholders will be a catalyst to others joining in, creating a snowball effect of those willing to put ethics over wealth.

God forbid your daughter or mother ever became a victim of sexual assault, would you still be regurgitating that people taking a stand against it are simply “woke cry babies?”


I’m going to need a citation for that. I’ve heard nothing but a claim by Jen that she wasn’t paid the same (how does she know what Mike gets?) and a counter claim by Blizzard that she was offered the same pay.

What we DO know is that Jen is a die hard activist and pushing that crap instead of practical business decisions is a more plausible reason for why she would have been a pariah at that level.

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She knows what Mike gets because she obviously discussed it with him since he was lobbying Blizzard on her behalf for pay parity.

And she claimed that she was offered the same pay, but ONLY after she’d resigned. I’m not a believer in coincidences, so I highly doubt Blizzard spent 2 months working on the paperwork and just had poor timing.

“When Mike and I were placed in the same co-lead role, we went into the role with our previous compensation, which was not equivalent. It remained that way for some time well after we made multiple rejected requests to change it to parity,” she wrote. It remains unclear as to why Activision Blizzard rejected those requests.

She continued, “While the company informed me before I tendered my resignation that they were working on a new proposal, we were made equivalent offers only after I tendered that resignation.” (Emphasis Oneal’s)


That’s yet another she said they said. She’s airing dirty laundry to setup for a lawsuit like all good activists do. But burning bridges is a bad look for an executive though, which is further evidence she was unfit for a job at that level. You can’t be a leader and play victim at the same time.

Leave my damn home out of this. We’ve done nothing. We are just emo elves who are slightly addicted to mana.

Why would she lie specifically about the pay though if shes interested in the activism? Why would Ybarra back her up on that lie, since both their stories match on them lobbying for pay parity together?

If her goal was to make Blizzard look bad, they accomplished that all on their own by promoting a woman in response to claims that they underpay and underpromote women and then proceeding to underpay the woman they promoted.

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and, yet, no equal pay for equal work

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Did she not read her own contract?

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A seperate employees pay (Ybarra in this case) generally isn’t discussed when negotiating your own contract. She was not aware of the pay discrepancy at first.

When they offered her the position they offered her a salary, probably with benefits. She agreed. Now she’s claiming it wasn’t the same as Mikes, but why would it be? At that level you negotiate your salary and if she wanted what he gets she should have said so.

To use that now as a point of discrimination, rather than her failure as an executive to negotiate her salary correctly, is just smoke an mirrors for an upcoming lawsuit because the whole meme of “women don’t get paid the same as men” plays well in the media. Textbook victim PR.

You’re almost certainly right that Blizzard was foolish to promote her just for the diversity flag waving. She wasn’t qualified for the position, wasn’t mature enough to find a way to make it work, and now she’s childishly burning all her bridges.

Everyone looks bad in this.

Nor should she ever be. Whatever she negotiated clearly met with her approval. To turn around and claim overwise after the fact is just sour grapes that she failed to negotiate a better contract.

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Activision Blizzard is also in a position where any pursuit of libel, even if completely justified, would crush them in the court of public opinion and anyone in the media knows that.

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If its true they would be forced to pay bobby 300 million dollars if they get rid of him I don’t see the board of directors doing that. Hopefully their stock crashes so hard they lose far more than that 300 million though, as that’s what they deserve for not getting rid of this scum.


they obviously felt she was qualified for it, yet they can’t pay her the same as they’re paying the man in the same job

that’s a really, really, really bad look in the current situation.