11/22 Update: Blizzard Staff are Relentless

Indeed, unfortunately we’ll never get to know the full contents of the people because it is definitely going to be the people in very high places. It’s one of those things that should be fully disclosed, but never would be because it would threaten a lot of the stability and those in power if their names showed up.

Even common sense would dictate it’s not like random joes on the street. It’s people in power because he’d never deal with people that couldn’t offer him anything he’d actually want. It would be celebrities, leaders, etc. Especially since someone was so afraid of him squealing they managed to completely cover up a blatant murder and convince a lot of people that a bunch of miraculous circumstances all happened to go wrong at precisely the same time to lead to it.

FFS we joked about this stuff for decades too, it was an open secret and news media outlets would torpedo any story about the dude to protect him. Who was it, Amy Robach I think of ABC lamenting that she had victim testimony, and an entire segment about the dude years before it was common knowledge what he was up to with the higher ups just torpedoing the story on a hot mic when it would have been story of the century kind of material?


Blizzard Staff sounds like a mage weapon.

Hunter weapon too though…

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To be 100% honest?

They lost my empathy when they removed harmless jokes like “I like to fart in the tub.”

Especially when they do this over an article by a news site with no named sources.

You know how easy it is to trick a news agency into believing you’re a reliable source? It’s very easy.


Same. Maizou its sad I am currently more exited for the SWTOR 7.0 Expansion than anything Blizz has coming. Just a year ago I would not be able to fathom making this statement.

Im hoping 10.0 wins me back if we even get a 10.0 at this point. Im just not sure what to expect anymore


Bobby = Sargeras except one is lamer than the other. Also one is weaker than the other.

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Blizzard employees stage a Walkout… Bobby - “I will destroy you…”


I have a feeling Kotick’s days at Activision are coming to a close. If he did know about what was going on and actively tried to hide it and did nothing about it, he deserves to be fired. It was looking like things were going to turn the corner for them but instead they just crashed into yet another ditch.


Some article came out, reigniting faux outrage. I will laugh if the game goes offline because people are too distraught to run it.

To be fair, I don’t let their current situation stop me from enjoying the game.


Nor I. I was musing how all the support would suddenly turn if the game went offline due to employees not doing whatever it is they do to keep the game up and running relatively smoothly.

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Actually listening to that very video right now.

LOL! You’re not wrong? But pardon me while I point out the irony of talking about greed on a character named after the greediest S.O.B. on Gold Rush. :laughing:

I learned everything I needed to know when Blizzard laid off 800 employees just so he could report record earnings and preserve his bonus. Of course, I will say that Metzen leaving, then Morhaime leaving were very clear red flags.

Is this for certain? That’s a pretty bold claim. I don’t doubt it, but if there are “receipts” for this, I’d love to see them.


If you want to make fun games you need to:

  1. Have fun making the game
  2. Feel like you can contribute.

Otherwise you get garbage like this:

Oh right look at the publisher…

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Bobby doesn’t care about them, he’s laughing away on his yacht.

Yes, because it was only Blizzard Managers engaging in misconduct; not employees themselves. Sit back, :popcorn:, and enjoy the show.


They’re not officially unionized. I don’t think any video game studio anywhere in the US is unionized. The entire US tech industry is almost thoroughly anti-union and many of the US leaders in the industry are determined to keep the tech industry free from unions forever.

It’s literally part of the reason why the scandals at Activision-Blizzard have exploded. Also, remember that there was that SAG-AFTRA strike against the video game industry (including Activision) that started in 2016 and lasted for almost an entire year. The US video game industry leaders really, REALLY hate unions.


I’m not going to appreciate people who knew of the abuse for years and kept quiet.

Agree, these are things to think about for sure.

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You can’t outrun Blizzard. You can’t destroy Blizzard. If you damage them, the essence of what they are remains. They regenerate and keep coming. Eventually you will weaken, your reserves will be gone. They are relentless.

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It would have been considered a bold claim when the names of that book were made public. Now it’s just old news. Sadly, due to the untimely demise of Epstein who totally didn’t opt himself out, we will never know the full scale of things. Someone clearly didn’t want that knowledge to see the light of day.

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Of course they are, the board is there to ensure the CEO is making the investors money. Activision under Kotick has been very lucrative for many years, and it would be silly to change that. Everyone wants to look at this from a pure “feelings” perspective, but no investor cares about that, they care about the bottom line. And despite all the “stuff” coming out, the company is still doing great overall (even with all the bad press, what was that quote, “there is no such thing as bad press”).

Given that, it’s going to take a lot more than this to remove Kotick.