11/22 Update: Blizzard Staff are Relentless

Oh yeah, there’s definitely potential for backlash here. I just don’t think they would be firing their opening salvo if there wasn’t a good reason for it. This wasn’t just desperate rapid fire either. This was almost surgical in its precision.

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Win in the streets first.

I mean, being fair and for the record I believe every word of the article against Kotick. However news for people tends to bias them to what they first heard. They don’t follow things completely, they see the beginning and end. There’s a lot of instances in just recent memory where news has blatantly ran with something verifiably false within an hour but most people still believe the initial claim.

A good one here because it actually has gone to court and court ruling against the news agencies in question was the Covington Kids thing. Yet most people still hold true to the initial story that these kids approached that group to antagonize them, despite video evidence and court cases over it explicitly proving that the group approached the kids and antagonized them, not the other way around as it was initially reported.

Or that kid being tried from Kenosha, a lot of people still believe he trafficked a gun across state lines since that’s what the news said he did, but in court as well as investigations conducted shortly after proving that the gun he used originated in state, he did not carry it across lines.

Bottom line, most people stick to what they initially hear and very seldomly change their mind as evidence disproves what they initially heard. Hypothetically Blizzard could in court be absolved of all of this and be completely innocent (it’s a hypothetical scenario) and most of the people calling for the executives to have their heads on pikes would still hold steadfast to the belief that bad things did in fact happen but the trial was rigged or something.


Bobby isn’t Chris Avellone lol. He ain’t getting a street win.

Chris had street peeps backing him before he went to court.

Revolutions rarely build things. They tear them down and lead to long stretches of anarchy before any stability and new growth is found.

And this revolution looks like its been building for a couple years, and it looks like they might succeed in tearing it all down.

When Kotick relished in his little pay cut PR stunt, it told me pretty much all I need to know about the guy. He’s in full desperate virtue signaling PR good guy mode.

Every word out of his mouth, every memo he types, and every thought and feeling and sentiment he expresses is 100% manufactured to manipulate both public and private opinion as much as humanly possible.

This guy is only selling everyone Grifta’s Authentic Troll Shoes and I’m not buying 'em.


I think most people in the big thread regarding that said the exact same thing but some draenei kept going on about how this was clearly because the guy cared about the cause and not just covering himself.

It’s pretty cut and dry when a scandal happens, the one who furiously scrubs their hands the hardest usually is the one with the most filth coating them.


I doubt anything will actually be torn down, but I’m more or less content with making the suits at the top squirm and suddenly feeling replaceable. Small victories.

Burn the (bleep) down, new growth will happen.
lil’ (bleep) bob wanted to make video games a business, wow shows this.
Candy Crush style.

Candy Crush style, huh? I can appreciate some cruel irony.

Same team. Now. :man_shrugging:t3:


I like how you worded that, and yep it is sometimes exactly the case.

Blizzards ability to get quality content to market when it’s needed appears to have been severely curtailed. The last solid patch that appeared to be properly tested was 8.2.

For the game to be healthy 9.2 needed to drop a couple months ago. But we were looking at February / March before today’s meltdown.


It’s certainly not looking good for Blizzard at the moment, especially with the indefinite delays to Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4. And now the time between patches with WoW. And the latest drama of the last 24 hours or so. lol They can’t catch a break…not that they really deserved one, mind you. You reap what you sow and all that jazz.


Plus the whole debacle with the remaster.

What ever is happening internally for what ever reasons, as a business they are rapidly appearing to have no ability to produce games. And if that’s the primary reason for your existence, it could be a problem.


Yeah, pretty vague info.

I have enjoyed watching a few videos here.

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They seem to provide a fairly balanced break down of the legal fine print for the lay person.

His robot like expression and voice reminded me of someone… I can’t quite remember… Oh… Now :slightly_smiling_face:


Pretty sure when the first accusations began I had mentioned Bobby was top of the food chain and he was in Epstein’s little black book.

So its likely Bobby likes then really young… he needs more then to just loose his job at this point. An abuser of women has no business being in a position of power and privilege to take advantage of others. Hes a weasel.


So many people in that book!

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