1.12 AV is a huge, huge mistake

They’re giving us 1.12 because they don’t have the data from 1.5.

It may be blizzard’s ideal vision of the game but it isn’t of the majority of the playerbase and quite frankly since this is a fan service product the ideal vision of blizzard is irrelevant.


This has nothing to do with ideal version of the game. This has everything to do with what they’re ABLE to give us since they don’t have all the pre 1.12 data.

So hostile. Sheesh.

well then they have to reconstruct some things.


Lmao imagine removing things from your game


Reconstructing it will be highly inaccurate to how it was. That’s outside the scope of this project.

Sorry, but your vaunted 1.5 is gone unless Blizzard comes out and declares otherwise.

You mean like Blizzard has been doing for a while now?

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a scuffed version of 1.5 I consider more faithful to classic than 1.12 AV


My fav removals are deadmines/ SM/ and 60 naxx because it just works

Fine. Go make it yourself on a private server.

They’re not messing with the 1.12 data. They said that at BlizzCon. Were you not paying attention?

RIP corrupted ashbringer

and all the other things. What is funny now is blizzard is against removing major content now. They instead add a way to “turn back time” to visit the old version.

What crawled up your panties today?

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They love taking old items that were removed and making them gold sinks, which is super cool because you can buy gold lmao, man this company keeps redefining rock bottom

The immense whining for no changes, carbon-copy 1.12: This is what it gets you.

I’ve just had it up to here with people who think Blizzard is somehow remaking the game instead of just porting it to a modern engine and getting it ready for release. They’re assuming this isn’t some side project meant to appease people who’ve been asking for Classic and not a major release that’s not going to be in maintenance mode as soon as the content is out.

we didn’t ask for 1.12

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I’ve never been more excited for something to come out in my life, these forums are going to be better than “you think you do”.

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These forums will be dead if blizzard messes this up which they are pretty much bound to do

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Yup. While these guys are off throwing their tantrums and cursing Blizzard’s name for giving us what is likely the only version of AV pre-TBC they had access to, I’m gonna be enjoying the game when it comes out.