1.12 AV is a huge, huge mistake

Lmao the only version of AV available it’s literally almost a carbon copy of retail AV without the reinforcements


And without the timers.

Nope you asked for no changes, you’re getting no changes. But if you want pre 1.12 AV, I have some post 1.12 changes that should also be considered.

We all know blizzard making any type of new asset these days is a huge undertaking for such a small indie developer

Cmoooon 1.12 AV!

Don’t disagree with you re: how Blizzard probably views this project. At all, unfortunately.

However, it doesn’t hurt to try to give a bit of feedback and guidance… as long as it’s the kind absent of “I quit!!!” and suicide and/or death threats :smile:

Ziryus you don’t get to talk about “No changes” you’re the furthest thing form it.

You can take your wonky ideas back to the general forums if you like, but don’t preach to us about no-changes.


And with such a small game like world of Warcraft (which in no way helped build their entire company) I’m not surprised they are just polishing and releasing

you have some post vanilla changes. So long as it was made and released during vanilla then it isn’t a change. it is just using different versions of vanilla patches to make the best classic it can be.

Such wisdom from the wrath baby. :roll_eyes:

Well, considering Blizzard’s been pretty open about how they’re doing this, it’s baffling to me that people honestly thought it’d be something more than what it is. They even straight-up said they’re not tampering with the 1.12 data beyond the content release schedule.

And why would they? With such a small game like world of Warcraft and such a small developer like blizzard with such a low budget lmao

He’s a flagrant troll who I suspect never intended to play classic.


and it was said if we want something to be this version of it we should ask for it and show blizzard this is what we want.

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I have EVERY intention of playing Classic. Just because I’m not making unrealistic demands like you are doesn’t mean I’m not excited for this project.

This is all coming from the guy who is pro-perma phasing in vanilla lmao

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Yeah but they never said you’d GET it. Especially not if they don’t have the data to support doing it.

At first they said they’re not messing with the 1.12 data…

Now they have changed their statement saying they’re doing content releases and mirroring the World events such as Naxxramas invasion…

These events are not 1.12 features.

Now they’re talking about rolling back the drop locations / loot drop content by a patch by patch basis…

These are DATA items from older versions…

If they did not have the older versions to reference then they would not be able to mirror this with any confidence.

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I like you. I like the cut of your jib.

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they haven’t said they don’t have it.