1.12 AV is a huge, huge mistake

Count me in as one of the people who fondly remembers the week long AV matches. That’s what a battleground should be. I’ll still play the currently planned AV just because the rewards are solid but it’s not something I’ll do regularly once those rewards are attained.


And the problem is? If you don’t like something there’s an easy way out of it, DON’T DO IT.

Just like I won’t be playing AV if its 1.12…I’ll just lvl,raid and enjoy the world! You guys have fun in your watered down non-classic AV, oh and the best part is you can hop on live and play the SAME AV!!! :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I doubt you have the info/stats/facts to back that claim up…

That aliens are real and that Elvis and 2 Pac are still alive…:grin:

That’s on people, not on companies…you can sue anyone for anything whether you’ll win or not is up for debate. ITS CALLED PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY! Not blame everyone for your problems and then try and sue people cause you can’t handle your own crap. I’m a bleeding heart Progressive but you have to draw a line in the sand.

Good luck winning that case, cause its DOA…no court is going to decide in their favor and even if they did(some activist judge) it would get overturned by a higher court. Its the same reason you can’t sue McDonald’s cause you get fat and have zero self-control…:+1:

You don’t understand law…



Weird how the posts in favor of the actual classic AV have tons more likes than any of the posts against it. :thinking:

They had their epic moments in hours of game time but they weren’t rewarding enough to play day to day, week to week.

You’re applying the modern day WoW mindset to what’s meant to be classic. Not everything was done for the “rewards” (read: dopeamine rush of seeing numbers go up on a screen) but rather because they were fun and that alone made it worthwhile.

You’ve seen bad food metaphors, now it’s time for bad… house metaphors? For a video game? Because they’re soooo similar. Where’s a facepalm emoji when you need one?

I have mixed feelings about it. I’m not a Blizz apologist by any means but by all accounts Classic is a skeleton crew compared to the live team. Some of this might be because it’s not an active development team making new stuff, some of it might be doubt that Classic will be that successful. But when these servers are this packed tight, I hope it shows that Classic is a worthwhile endeavor and needs teams to work on things like giving us Classic AV.

Given the 15th anniversary is getting the actual classic AV I can only hope that work will be done to give that to us, they’re just focused on the launch right now and it’ll come at a later date.

Blizzard doesn’t always know best. See: Warlords of Draenor, Battle for Azeroth. This attitude of “Blizz knows best!” gutting all the fun out of the game is exactly why we need Classic to begin with. WoW isn’t an e-sport. AV is something people did for the fun of it, too.

…yes, that’s WoWcrack. That’s exactly what people want. An engaging experience that lingers with you instead of something forgettable that you just raidlog for.

bottomless pit.jpg


It will be interesting to see the logic used to explain things if the 15 anni version is earlier than classic’s but not used in classic.

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They think Vanilla is a PvE game is why.

Yeah if we don’t get the good version of AV then there is no point in pvping in vanilla at all.

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Oh thats going to be a deal breaker for me if its all rush strats. Original av or nothing please

Uh… If you’ve worked with computers long enough, you’d see it as a pretty solid metaphor.

I entirely agree. Give us that original experience!


Good news, we’re getting the original 1.12 experience :slight_smile:

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we want to summon and fight those bosses in AV: Ivus the Forest Lord, or Lok’holar the Ice Lord



Grinding to exalted is going to be so boring on 1.12 AV :frowning:


If classic related subscriptions are enough of a positive for Blizzard, to the point where they have more faith in the product, we can hope they might put more people on the team and get more of the stuff we are asking for. The only problem is, I don’t know if it will be in time, if such a change happens. Devolving AV to an earlier version after the initial release is going to be a weird move, one that I don’t really mind but I am sure many would?

I’m still gonna have fun. It’s my favorite BG.

Reverting AV to an earlier version would be the opposite of devolving. You would be reintroducing things that were taken away. That said, I agree that many would mind it becoming less convenient for themselves. By and large those types happily have level 120 characters in their stable.

Besides, AV will not be in at initial release.

He knows because it has been talked about for a long time on the forums by people that actually care.

give us OG AV blizzard


vote with your wallet