Please give us the old battlegrounds!
Does anyone remember what happened when the Warlords of Draenor pre-patch hit at the end of MOP?
Alterac Valley levels 90-100 was added. The only problem was everyone was still at 90! We went in there hoping for some kind of excitement thinking it was the usual boring AV. People were getting wrecked by white wolves within seconds. We were TANKING them. It was insanely hard to cap ANY graveyard because of the few, but brutal NPCs around. It was a glorious 3-4 days.
I remember AV being very popular for the first time since Vanilla. Somehow Blizzard didn’t catch on that we wanted something else out of this God awful version of AV.
As a vanilla WoW player in the day, I have no desire to play Classic WoW. But I would definitely check it out if I could play the old AV.
IF they can give us pvp-rp realms - we can get 1.4 AV!
Who else is with me on this one!
God I loved the long Avs 5-8 Hours long Slogging it out , summoning The Ice lord to help you!! The Druids pushing the enemy back to the next Graveyard and struggling over every inch of ground. Todays Av is boring as hell zerg fest with no spirit at all who the hell would want to play it !!!
/signed for Old AV!!
AV wont come until Phase 3. That gives them extra time to think it over.
Again, it will be interesting to see which version the 15th anniversary will be giving to retail.
This, the levels of incompetence at blizzard are at an all time high
The dream is dead folks- we’re getting the closest amalgamation of ‘almost BC’ Vanilla Blizz can think of. We’re getting sharding added to prevent crashes.
We’re not getting Vanilla WoW, we’re getting ‘oh sure I’ll play that for a month then get bored and never again’ convenient Vanilla for the tourist that’s never had any interest in Vanilla, but would at least spend a few hours on it if it were changed to suit him.
If what they create for retail for the 15th anniversary is earlier than 1.12, there will be absolutely zero excuse to not incorporate it into classic. Not to mention the 15th anniversary will likely be long before the phase when AV comes to classic.
They have abundant time to do right by classic AV.
For Blizzard to ponder:
EU forum announcement of AV 1.12: 13 likes
NA forum announcement of AV 1.12: 117 likes
Contrast that to the RPPVP server announcement in under a day’s time: 221 Likes
This thread bemoaning AV 1.12:
Imagine the outpouring of thanks for blizzard if they’d give us an early version of AV rather than 1.12.
Please give us a version of AV no one has been able to play for 15 years.
If they don’t provide the long AV because a few people are going to complain, then they have some serious issues and are truly not for the community.
Throwing my hat in the ring, Classic should have an epic version of AV, if someone wants to play 1.12 AV, BFA AV is pretty much the same thing.
I agree that classic should have the original AV!
I, of course, would also like an AV that is actually balanced instead of heavily favoring the Alliance but that is a different issue that also exists on live.
It seemed to me back in old AV, that the issue was that it was hard to get rep and marks and bonus honor from AV because you had to be there at the end of the game, and the game could take 10+ hours, that is why people complained about old AV.
Even with this issue, many people played old AV knowing they might get nothing from it just because it was a blast. Yes there was people there trying to get pvp rewards and was not having fun and got mad and went to the forums with that anger.
I believe blizzard listened to the community then and came up with a fix that did not make AV more fun for anyone at all, except that it made a fix to the problem of bonus honor and marks.
I think another option was to somehow give out marks and bonus honor proportionate to time spent in a game even if it lasts 10 hours and not having to be there until the end to get it. Problem here was making it so that it would not be exploitable where you could game it and get much more than intended. I am sure that blizzard seriously considered this option but probably did not come up with a solution that works.
I am absolutely for old AV even if it does not make any changes to solve that problem, just like OP said, it was EPIC and I had a blast being there. Would love to see old AV back!
That said, old AV or not, very impressed with Blizzards classic effort and cant wait for classic release. Thank you Blizzard!
It was never an issue, as nearly everything you did in the BG gave rep and honor. Marks of Honor should never have been a part of AV. Keep those out and you remove the bulk of complaints about AV taking too long.
I’m not sure folks fully understand exactly how hard this project could be, and probably is.
Just look at how much effort folks have out into Morrowind. Getting that game to run on modern hardware is challenging enough.
Oh get over yourself. The majority of people who will play classic don’t even post here.
And so no…the majority have not said they want anything but what is coming.
Also the group blizzard is doinv this for are the old school players. You know those people that should have families and…i don’t know…jobs by now. No one has time for 12 hour avs. Unless your a worthless, jobless deadbeat parent.
This is what I remember, there were some people who liked the old neverending AV and trying to summon the bosses and all that jazz, but it only became the defacto BG for grinding after the change.
People actually played it after the change, most people I know preffered the change at the time and some people spent so much time grinding honor in AV they hate that place to this day.