1.12 AV is a huge, huge mistake

What excites you about it?
What makes it your favorite version?
Did you play anything prior to 1.11?

Yup. Played in some of those 24-48 hour games. Think back to them fondly but no interest in really experiencing that again. Actually I wonder if part of the love people have for it might depend on class? Because I could see it being more fun for some than others. But whatever. Not here to put down people who enjoyed it. I just found it to be tedious.

I talked all about why I loved this version earlier but I’ll briefly repeat again. For me this version was the best balance of a game where individual players could meaningfully change the outcome in several fun ways and could extend the length of the match but it wouldn’t drag on for so long that you wanted to slit your wrists.

The elites remaining guarding points were strong enough that they could be used to force a wipe on the enemy team but not so strong that you would spend 6 hours fighting the same NPC (hello Korrak the Bloodrager). There were also no reinforcements. The removal of almost all the elites and addition of reinforcements is what ruined AV for me. But I must have played several hundred games of the 1.12 version (both factions, different classes) and it was some of my favorite memories playing WoW.

I hope people will give it a chance and realize that if you defend and don’t just mindlessly try and rush to the end it can be a lot of fun.


Fair enough, but why did you feel you had to stay longer than you were comfortable with? MoHs?

Oh I didn’t. And it wouldn’t have been the end of the world for me if they included the earliest version of AV. In fact I assumed that was what they would do. And I would check it out and try and have fun with it. I was just excited when I saw that my favorite version was the one they were including. Of course I didn’t have to stay in games (and usually didn’t). I just like feeling like I can see things through.

I think a one hour match is OK. Even a two hour match. But spending two hours with both sides dying to Korrak and neither making progress and me just casting an AOE over and over non stop? Not my cup of tea.

You really had me going until this part.

Let me introduce you to the other 2 BGs then. If all you got out of early AV was Korrak taking time to kill and you claiming to just AOEing, I fear you are not here to discuss in good faith.

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So because you don’t like it no one should.

Yeah that makes sense.

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Show me exactly where I said that. I simply was saying I liked 1.12 AV better than the older versions. Apparently I’m not allowed to have that opinion though.

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“It’s not my cup of tea.”

Nah there’s just a handful of people who want to whine about AV being 1.12 which was actually the most popular version of AV. There’s plenty of people who are perfectly fine with 1.12 AV.


There will be more PVP in Lakeshire than in AV.


1.12 is not retail AV. You still have to cap towers and kill belinda/orc general to clear the boss room.

We all have our favorite versions of games, genres, franchises, etc.

Even though I clearly prefer original AV, I do feel that 1.12 will be fine in the end as long as people attempt to fight and back-cap, and not just race.

Let people take grave yards. Don’t yell at people for taking the wrong thing. Let people fight.

Otherwise we’ll just get the race and people saying “let them win so we can re-queue”

that is the wrong attitude. Period.


I feel that the original AV would be more “sticky” (to use a jordanism) and memorable, with less frequency of races with little pvp. More fleshed out and complete. More immersive.

It’s something people who do once or twice then abandon, so sure it might be memorable but it wouldn’t have much replay. Just like it didn’t in vanilla, there’s a reason the original AV was nerfed in the first place, during vanilla.


Tbh I don’t think Blizzard is going to do old school AV not because they don’t want to but because they lost the code and the suits don’t want them to waste ressources remaking it when you can just pretend to have a strong stance about « most updated vanilla experience »

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How many times do people run any given instance?

AV as instanced content has endless replay value. It is a raid instance, and faction- competitive element of the game. Every match is different as you are not battling against static AI but rather the randomness of humans. HOWEVER, the more streamlined toward a certain efficiency (racing) then the less replayability it will have. Saying it doesn’t have much replay value is like saying football, paintball, etc have no replay value. One does not require shiny loot rewards to be replayable. The gameplay itself has enough of a following to make people return again and again.


How can a BG that’s been stripped down and robbed of it’s identity be the definitive Classic version?

The only reason I’ve seen given for 1.12 AV being the better version is that the bg is over faster. A quick rep grind doesn’t make for a good bg. Nobody complains about how long the AB and WSG reps take because they are backed up by good gameplay.


Someone earlier was claiming that it took hours to kill Korrak and all they did was AOE in the early versions.

I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt and say they mis-remembered

I mean, Korrak in the early versions was not even a barrier in any way, but rather a side objective.