1.12 AV is a huge, huge mistake

Sad but true. It’s a corner they can get away with cutting.


Aslong as it doesn’t have resources im ok with it.

Truely a real MVP!
I say give us 1.5 or give us are childhoods back!


There was a lot of hate for the original Alterac Valley, which is why Blizzard changed it in the first place. Every day there would be a lot of forum posts criticizing it.

I recall no such “lot of hate” or much any complaints until marks of honor made completing the bg a requirement. Nice to see your total of 2 forum posts as fabrications on this and the main AV thread. Not at all suspicious. :roll_eyes:

Also to quote one of your buddies from earlier:


I’d bet hard money that the people who truly prefer 1.12 AV are a very small minority.

If the people who did complain actually knew what their complaints would lead to, I’m willing to bet that most of them would have shut their mouths.


The nost implementation of AV was perfect


You’d think Blizz wouldn’t want to be outdone by a private server.

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I bet the majority of those who like 1.12 do not like it because it is fun, but that it is a faster way to get loot and then stop playing it.

Participation != Enjoyment


And here the final cut of AV with mines, enjoy

Nah, I think the people who didn’t like the original AV were perfectly capable of understanding why they didn’t like it. And were not a small minority, many people including blizzard didn’t like the original AV which is of course why it was changed in the first place.

Add another Vote for 1.5 AV here. Those fights were epic!


The problem is they never fixed AV. What they did was remove any charm or characteristic it had to the point where people where just indifferent to AV as a whole afterwards.

The 1.12 AV is cop out on game design and you all are just going to let them get away with it.


I think there were a handful of people who loved the original AV but many many more people who greatly disliked it and actively avoided it, that’s bad game design.

By 1.11 they had a version of the map most people were generally happy with. Which is why they didn’t change it again until they added reinforcements.

Oh look, more unsupported claims.

and ignoring the polls and threads of the past 15 years to boot.

translation: were still leveling, were not geared up, did not understand the BG, had 2 other BGs that were available from early levels, were farming for their epic mounts.

Unsupported claim alert.
Participation != Enjoyment (But doesn’t stop zyrius from pretending it does)

Yet another unsupported claim.

You are on a roll today.

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/shrug Fact AV was changed during vanilla, so clearly even during vanilla blizzard didn’t think it was very good.

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Goalposts on wheels.


Can’t even take your own advice.


Vanilla patch “x” isn’t Vanilla enough!

Give it a break guys. No patch is ever going to please the lot of you. You either want this, but that offsets that.

I am just excited to play some Vanilla Flavour WoW.

You are mixing facts to fit your arguments.

1.12 AV was not av for vanilla. It was AV for TBC. The nurfs it received were for catch up purposes. To get your epic mount and gear.

We’ve seen this for 5 expansions now. The last patch is for catch up.

More importantly pre 1.12 represents vanilla’s ideology while post represents sacrificing labor for efficiency.

So, I don’t care about graphics or models. I do care about the philosophies and ideologies that made vanilla what it was.