1.12 AV is a huge, huge mistake

The way games played out in 2005, in 1.5 AV, would not be the same way they would play out in 2019 with patch 1.12 talents and gear.

What is the Alliance rank 10 title?

I know my rank was Blood Guard when they got pulled.

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Great - then bring it back. We want the show.

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Lieutenant Commander.

What was the high rank for Alliance?

High Warlord for Horde.

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You don’t have to tell me that, I’ve already done my share trying to convince Blizzard to implement the most complete version of AV. They’ve decided not to do it despite the community outcry for an earlier iteration of AV.


Grand Marshal

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The outcry is big enough…and once they see the impact it will have, we may get a victory yet.

They have to address us sooner or later or discontent grows. It doesn’t die away like it used to.

Look at Anthem…and Diablo Immortal and the Command & Conquer mobile game. Players are fed up with not getting what they want. Blizzard will need to respond…

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Tell us more about how things played out before you started playing them, Plato.

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Why resist, embrace AV 1.12, let it flow through you, dont resist it.

Old AV should be preserved for the same reason that vanilla is. It’s a unique mix of pvp and pve that isn’t available to be played anywhere anymore, while we already have something very close to 1.12 AV in retail today.


I’m saying the games would not play out in the same manner in 2019 with a completely different patch base in 1.5 AV. Do you disagree?

That’s pretty much common sense but you keep doing you, friendo.

I honestly don’t understand what you mean? Why would it play differently and why is it common sense?

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Because patch 1.12 had completely different class balance and items. Because a 40 man battleground isn’t going to drop people to 2 FPS anymore, so they’ll actually be able to fight those more difficult NPCs.

Ah I understand better. I was not sure in which way you meant it. I agree actually. patch 1.12 doesn’t align whether it is for an “Authentic experience” or for the long term of the Classic servers.

I had not realized they would not be putting out OG AV until just now. This is a huge mistake. This was one of the biggest reasons I ever supported classic. Very big letdown.


I suspect you are not alone, and that it was the reason the blue’s AV announcement was unpinned.


Just going to weigh in, 1.5 AV was the best experience I had in WoW, I would log in for a few hours and immediately queue up for the epic battle raging. I think I only remember actually finishing AV maybe 2 times before they nerfed it and the feeling of victory was amazing, but the battle was enough for me whether it ended or not.


Idc what they do, I hated AV.

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I said this once, and I’ll say it again.

You made your own bed with your desire of hands-off changes.

Now lay in it.