1.12 AV is a huge, huge mistake

I am not looking specifically to play for a certain length of time. I am looking for the content that was yanked out, all of the strategic options enabled by it. But keep on with the “well you could make the tram ride more epic if you RP walked the tunnel instead” level of asinine you are peddling, and the binary zerg/turtle options.

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She isn’t willing to “discuss” anything. She’s just demanding at this point. I have moved my position from a “Only 1.12” to a “1.5 - 1.12” and that isn’t good enough for her.

It’s either her way or the highway.

Which is sad because I have read their post in the thread that is now over 1,000 replies long and have agreed with some of their points enough to change my position to try and recreate 1.5 for the appropriate phase.

I care nothing about a position that leads to a perpetual neutered experience, nor am I interested in compromising with someone with zero experience of the subject matter. Your comparison of content rollout to literal content removal is absurd. Dooming the BG to a known history of crippling change is something you should pat yourself on the back about. It is pure ignorance.

Yes but that would satisfy both sides. Your side and the people in this thread who support the final 1.12 version of AV.

You get your version when it exists in the phase cycle and they get theirs at the end.

How is that not fair?

Well gee, I dunno. There seems to be no clear difference between someone getting something for less than a handful of months and someone getting something perpetually thereafter.

Besides, you’ve demonstrated that you cannot comprehend what we who have actually gone through all of those patches are speaking about.

There is no equality between a content rollout that literally adds content, to a known history of content removal.


I can comprehend what you’re talking about. I have read posts from 2005-2006 on Allakazam to learn about the subject. You’re talking about day long AV battles where you couldn’t just win by rushing to the end.

You needed to collect materials and turn them in and in turn your side would send out troops to push the tide of battle to the enemy teams base. You would summon the big tree or big elemental and then use them to push forward. The NPCs were harder.

Yes. Thankfully there are posts and videos about the subject, so I can read and watch those. I don’t need to experience it first hand. I can read about it from people who have. And I have done so.

The thing is… as one of the posters pointed out. They don’t want that. So… you try to compromise. Just like they did with other topics.

Looting trading… they compromised.

Content phases… they compromised.

People on both sides proposed ideas and Blizzard tried to incorporate both of them. It was fair.

You right now are not being fair to the folks who don’t want you want. No everyone in the world wants 1.5 AV. It doesn’t matter how epic you think it is. Please quit being so freaking selfish. You complain that I don’t get what you’re talking about. You’re so dismissive to people who want the other version. You’re not willing to have a debate about it. You’re not willing to budge.

Gosh look at BFA. Folks didn’t want flying. Folks wanted flying. Blizzard compromised to please both sides. Not everyone liked it. But they compromised and both sides got a little of what they wanted.

This game isn’t being made for you. It’s being made for everyone. Everyone should get a chance to express what they want and we should try to compromise to include that.

No, its being made for the people that want Classic with the warts…the ONLY reason we’re getting this is because of Nost/250k sigs. When people think of AV classic they think of day long battles they think of having to gather stuff and work as a team, not a rush to the end like 1.12.

Compromise is a funny word…

I played back then and I play now, IMO why have two versions of the same AV? Why? Why not do something special and different and do the original aka the “Classic” AV?

To the people that want “Compromise” go play the Compromised AV on retail…


Gosh, no.
That horse is out of the stable, seeing as retailers like you get to voice what you want, while those of us who fought for this for over 10 years have to “compromise” to appease your type. Hard nope. “Compromise” is what dragged this game to it’s current putrified corpse of a state.

“Compromise” would be choosing 1.7, rather than 1.5 or 1.12. Compromise is not “you get what you want for a couple months, while I get what I want for infinity afterward”.

If anything, the “race” version of 1.12 could be in for 3 months, the people who are only in it for the gear and do not like the BG anyway (like Cheater) can get their gear and never step foot in it again, then the BG could be switched to 1.7 for perpetuity.



I played Vanilla WoW though. So I’m not sure what calling me a “retailer” has to do with anything. Yeah I play retail from time to time, but not as much as I played previous expansions.

I really do have to ask though. Would 1.12 make you not play Classic WoW? Would you even make a character if they put 1.12 AV in the game?

No, live AV:

  1. is nerfed for Horde to further advantage the Alliance
  2. Is a resource fight. Not just kill their leader before yours is killed.

Perhaps you missed the word “essentially” or do not know it’s meaning.

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There are obviously differences.

The concern is the meta will be the very similar.

I know what it means. I also payed AV extensively in 1.12 and for quite some time will into Wrath/Cata.

And I find it funny I am being judged by someone who apparently never PvP’d in 1.x.

How would it be the same as live? Especially considering Pre-3.x(?) AV could theoretically run infinitely since there was not the 600 kill cap or whatever it was.

If your group is good enough, they will be able to zerg. If not, they will have to play the BG such as the wing commanders, Lok, etc.

AV pre-mades did not exist in Vanilla or BC. The closest you could get was the addon “Stinkyqueue” which could coordinate individual queuing for AV for a group, but even then there was no guarantee.

Of course the meta will be similar.

On private servers people say that they just rush down the boss and they have a mesh of 1.5 AV. But they just run past mobs and the other team.

Once the AV premades do this and win with it. Pugs will adapt it and do it. Then no matter what version people get, we’re going to have zergs.

The glory days of day long AVs aren’t going to be there. Why? Because a majority of players want their gear and to get out. Or they want fast honor.

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I agree - it is going to be fun the first weekend, then most games will be horse races.


Exactly. That’s what these pro 1.5 people don’t understand. Sure you can put people in 1.5 AV.

But they’re not going to be able to force their team to play a certain way. Their team is going to play for quick honor while they’re raging in raid chat “NO YOU GUYS ARE DOING IT WRONG. THATS NOT HOW YOU PLAY AV!”

I played in AV premades on vent back in the day. They don’t care about the epicness. You capped the towers and then rushed the captain and the boss. Then you have some people go back cap and you’re out of there in 15 minutes. This happened in Vanilla.

Are you going to not play Classic WoW if they put in 1.12 AV? Is that your line in the sand?

Because I think that’s all Blizzard cares about. If you’re still going to play with 1.12, well you’re still going to play. You can grumble. But you’re still going to be playing at the end of the day.

Would you NOT play classic if AV was set at 1.7?

What is more likely:

  • Those that dislike AV will do whatever version just to get the loot and then never play it (AV) again.
  • Those that dislike 1.12 and view AV as a large part of endgame content will be more prone to rethink subbing to WoW.

I’ll play classic regardless. :slight_smile:

So when they changed AV in actual Vanilla did you unsub and never come back? I assume not since you’re a worgen. So if you did continue to play with patch 1.12… why can’t you do the same thing as you did in Vanilla?