1.12 AV is a huge, huge mistake

I’ve had one person argue in favor of 1.12 AV. But they were not dead set on it either.

I am sure that’s what you said to people asking for Classic.

The first three posters in this thread all make it clear they prefer an earlier version of AV. Please point to three posters that make it clear they prefer 1.12. All I see are posts against 1.12 and a bunch of wishy washy posts like:

And I don’t think very many people are dead set on 1.5. I would like to have Korrak, but I don’t think it will break AV not to have him. I certainly don’t think it will break AV not to let Alliance run straight on to Iceblood Graveyard. These things might be good for nostalgia, but removing them didn’t change the fundamental flow of the game. Removing the vast majority of the NPCs did.

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Here goes my compromise suggestion for AV in Classic.
As many people have expressed their not so mild disdain towards 1.12 AV something obviously needs to be done.

I am suggesting that the AV map of 1.12 will be used.
Faction NPC:s are returned to the map in as close to 1.8 version as possible.
Korrak will be placed in the middle and he should be the target of the “IBS” quest.

This would be very little work for Blizzard and thus easy to achieve and would address many of the issues most people have. Obviously it’s not the original experience that many want but keep in mind Blizzard may not even have the original version anywhere.
These changes can be applied directly to the 1.12 version with little effort and thus they are way more likely to happen.


That sounds okay but I do wonder if Korrak is better placed at Snowfall Graveyard.

I have a question for those prefering 1.8. Why choose that over 1.7? IIRC 1.8 was the first round of npc nerfs. Also 1.8 introduced the cancerous MoH participation trophies. (which is strange seeing as that same patch lowered credit for winning) The 1-for-1 balancing mechanic of 1.8 is one positive point for it, but the 15-30% nerf to all NPCs is a severe downside.

AV 1.7.0 (general BG changes)

  • Battleground “holidays” have been added to Warsong Gulch, Alterac Valley and Arathi Basin. Holidays occur during most weekends, starting on Thursday night at midnight and continuing until Tuesday morning. During a holiday, emissaries from that Battleground will be found in the major cities, and honor/faction rewards for performing objectives in that battleground are increased.
  • Alterac Valley now correctly rewards honor for owning graveyards at the end of the game.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause players to stand up when a turnin was made in Alterac Valley.
  • Players will no longer be able to gain health by repeatedly entering and leaving the effect of a Battle Standard.
  • Entering a battleground now resets the timer for the AFK flag. This should prevent players being kicked by the AFK timer moments after they enter the Battleground instance.

BGs in general v 1.8.0:

  • Each Battleground has an individual turn-in quest associated with its related victory/loss condition. Upon completion of a Battleground, the winning side will be awarded three Marks of Honor while the losing side will be awarded one Mark of Honor. Three Marks of Honor may be turned in to the associated questgiver for Honor points and faction increase. Should players complete this turn-in quest, they will find that the bonus Honor Points for completion are twice that of normal turn-in conditions (individual).

AV v1.8.0:

  • In order to keep teams in Alterac Valley more numerically balanced, players will now enter Alterac Valley on a one-for-one basis (i.e. if there are 30 players in the battleground for each side with 10 players in the Alliance queue and 2 players in the Horde queue, only two players from each team will be added, bringing the total to 32 per side).
  • The minimum number of players required to start a battle in Alterac Valley has been lowered to 20 (the maximum is still 40).
  • Points for completing the map and winning have been slightly decreased.
  • Graveyards and graveyard capture points are now at different locations. The banners players must interact with in order to capture a graveyard have been distanced from each other somewhat in order to alleviate “graveyard zerging” and make graveyards more meaningful to both defense and offense.
  • Several terrain changes were made to fix some geometry exploits as well as to adjust for the new graveyard mechanic.
  • Iceblood Graveyard has been fortified.
  • The Frostwolf Relief Hut now has appropriate guards.
  • A great avalanche has closed off both the eastern and western segments of Alterac Valley. This has displaced the Syndicate, the Wildpaw Gnolls, and many of the Winterax Trolls.
  • Due to the avalanche, Korrak the Bloodrager and a small band of surviving Trolls have made the Snowfall Graveyard their new home. Players will find that Snowfall is now under Korrak’s control and they must defeat Korrak and his Troll guards if they wish to take Snowfall.
  • The quests Korrak the Bloodrager (Alliance), Korrak the Everliving (Alliance), The Legend of Korrak (Horde), and The Return of Korrak (Horde) have been removed from the game. The rewards for the initial quest involving Korrak have been moved and can be acquired by completing the quest associated with winning a match in Alterac Valley. We realize that some players may have had the Korrak quest and never completed it. These players may have already completed the quest for killing the General and thus might not be able to benefit from the rewards from the previous quest line. We have opted to add an extra quest step at the end of the General kill quests to reward players that fall under such conditions.
  • A new item has been added as one of the reward choices for the quests Hero of the Stormpike and Hero of the Frostwolf.
    > * NPC difficulty has been scaled down. All NPCs have had their power reduced by 15-30%.
  • There is now a portcullis at the end of each of the entrance tunnels inside Alterac Valley. They will rise two minutes into the battle.
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We have THREE battlegrounds in Classic. Want 1/3 to be complete garbage? Then 1.12 AV is for you!

I’m done being polite. I can’t believe Blizzard delete the 1.12 AV threads. You make a stupid decision and are surprised when the community reacts? You are just lazy. No other reason for jumping to 1.12. Lazy. Private server programmers are like 14 and they made a 1.5 version.

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They did not delete the threads. It’s just that some thought that the spell batching announcement would cause the AV threads to get less press and drop down the list.

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Do you have any evidence that private servers have a 1.5 AV? From everything I’ve heard no private server has version of AV that old because they didn’t have the data to properly replicate it.

I’d thus be very interested if you could back that claim.

Not sure how you expect people to react when you claim AV is ‘garbage’ just cause it’s not the version you want it to be but okay then. GL

At least they actually put in the effort.

Who knows what code Blizzard has. But, I bet they come up with a version that makes it harder to zerg.


Difference in this situation is that Blizzard has come out and said it’s going to be a certain way. If you like what Blizzard has stated you aren’t going to waste the time and energy because you’ve " won " so to speak, not much to discuss.

Most of the rest of the topics you see bounced back and forth are things that are still up in the air or we have had no comment on. I expect those to be a tug of war. Generally once Blizzard has made a statement you get a day or so of reactions and then the topic is dropped, unless someone is just looking to troll because it will get reactions.

Also the number of likes may be less, but that’s just an indication that it is closer to a split on what people want. It doesn’t really give you an idea of what a majority or consensus is. It’s actually one of the reasons I didn’t much care for the removal of the dislike button.

Simply put though, if you want 1.5 you are going to be louder about it, that’s not outside the norm around here or on other forums. There simply is no real reason to argue with them if you have already gotten the answer from Blizzard you wanted to see.

All of the pro 1.12 people that you imagine are now just keeping quiet because they got what they want, where were they during the past 10+ years when multiple polls and multiple threads in multiple venues were happening? Are we to believe that only fans of earlier AV were on the internet during that decade-plus period, which resulted in the overwhelming sentiment that earlier was better?

We’ve been vocal, we’ve been clear, and we’ve been asking for it for a loooooooong time now.


We were on the vanilla forums when the AV changes were originally made thanking blizzard for fixing the BG. And we were not a minority then. There is no and never was a vast group of people who loved the old AV which was mostly just a semi interactive cut scene.


As a PvP focused player, real vanilla AV was my main motivator to possibly even play classic. As the OP said, I already can play the watered down butchered version on live. How about a compromise blizzard? Why not let players queue for two versions of classic AV? You could have one battlemaster for people who want to do the 1.12 6 minute PVE rush to the RH, and the real version for those of us who miss the epic BG AV once was?

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That is the way it is. Get over it.

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No, you weren’t. The threads were overwhelmingly against the changes and you are attempting some serious revisionist garbage to suggest the forums reflected a positive nature towards the neutering.

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No they weren’t most people were positive of the changes because they did indeed improve the AV experience for all but a minority group of players. Most people realized and welcomed that the changes made AV focus more on pvp and less on pve.


Get that goalpost back over here, zyrius. We are talking about how it played out in the forums, not your imaginary knowledge of what “most” were positive about.

You’re arguing with someone who’s saying the changes that turned AV into a mindless zerg where you don’t even see the other team made it more about pvp. Go talk to the nearest brick wall, and that’ll be more productive. Come on, Broken. You know why he’s here and you know why he posts. Don’t get baited.