1.12 AV is a huge, huge mistake

I think that a lot of the angst is misplaced…

Players rightfully distrust Blizzard, their track record over the last 10 years is really bad, and it’s actually justified that the player base has all this distrust.

Some of the private servers have done a lot of good, without them there would be no Classic WoW.

However most of the private servers are far less than honorable them selves… Excluding the so called “piracy” that takes place, they’re one of the least savory or honorable groups of developers and gaming companies out there (if you can call them that).

The amount of woefully dishonest things that they partake in or promote on a per-capita basis is actually kinda depressing.

It’s a situation where the players a stuck… Stuck between their distrust for Blizzard and their loathing of Private server BS.

People just want to play authentic Vanilla WoW again, with out any BS that’s from modern era gaming, at the same time enjoy WoW as it was all those years ago knowing that the game is actually and truly accurate.

This is something that I suspect Acti-Blizz is actually attempting to do faithfully even though many of us distrust them…

I think that there is a group of developers that see where the gaming development culture is right now and know it’s not sustainable, they’re more like us and reject the present way things are done…

This is why I think Classic is going to be a lot closer to actual Vanilla WoW than any one may imagine, and 10X better than any private server…

The things we should be discussing; things like what version of AV and why Sharding is bad… These are all excellent discussions…

But making excuses for why we should just “Take what we’re given”, meh… That’s a bad attitude, I reject that fully.


I remember, fondly, grabbing my tendies and some PBR , curling up in front of the Dell XPS 700 thinking ‘I really look forward to this 3 hour turtle.’


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Oh right I forgot.

I don’t play retail :\

Uh, yeah it’s the most popular because it’s the most well known. More people played it then any other version in vanilla. Just because a small group of players want 1.5 doesn’t mean the literal millions of players that played 1.12 and nothing but 1.12 know anything about 1.5 are going to suddenly turn up going “Yes give us a version we never played.”

20 people on the forums =/= a majority.

I miss the long battles too. I totally agree. Please bring back old AV

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I bet you 14 snicker minis that they aren’t .

I did haha.

I lived the war that raged on, and something like a a group of warriors waiting for one another and all going in at once pushing the enemy back and taking a point was amazingly fun.

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I agree. But how many times, honestly, were the week long av’s and turbo turtle matches fun for you?

Classic just needs to come out already, if its 1.5 cool, if its 1.12 cool. There are no games out atm that interest me besides Classic. xD

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Every time, I really loved it. It felt like a huge massive end game brawl

Like I said I played no version of it except the cataclsym and up version that is pretty much just 1.12 with reinforcements.

Why give something that is basically playable right now instead of providing something to an audience that has nothing at all.

and with this I am off to bed.

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I really, REALLY, hope you’re not replying to me. Those things I listed are in no way “content.” Not even the most pessimistic person would argue that. Please don’t troll. This is a discussion.

I respect that. Got burnt out on it, myself, after a couple of weekends.

I think that the only plausible reason why more people have played 1.12 is simply a factor of Private sever WoW and under that premise it’s likely true.

However OG Vanilla AV and the versions that existed before the ZERG version were heavily played by a ton of people…

I remember the change very well, and it went from AV madness to “Was that all?”

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I wasn’t responding to you, I didn’t even read your post. Thanks for verifying though before you had your fit it was super edgy.

All jokes aside, all passive aggressive typed sarcasm aside, all w/e… IM JUST REALLY EXCITED TO LOG INTO CLASSIC


Edgy how? I’m curious, do you not think any of those things happened on private servers? Not flaming, I’d just like to know which servers you played on.

Exactly, just give me a release date so i can call off from work. FFS.


ya. yes. yeeeeeeees


I’m just happy these forums has brought us all together, not as friends, but as comrades.