1.12 AV is the developers choice. Adapt your desire(s) to reality or move along. Why complain/cry?
Legit, i want to know if that works on these forums. I don’t post here often.
Like, if enough of us cry out in terror and offence, will they do 1.5 AV?
They have said numerous times that they are using 1.12 patch for the data. We knew that since before November during the Blizzcon play test. A few days ago, we saw them talk about their plan to stay on the 1.12 patch, but progressively release items. Today, we see yet another 1.12 patch announcement.
This was to be expected and please don’t inflate this to more than it is. I am all for pre-nerf AV, but all of the confirmed Classic news has been great so far. I’m not counting sharding or anything like that because they aren’t confirmed yet. Don’t be pessimistic until you see the final product.
Releasing 1.12 is the most private server thing you could do, they’ll be a full blown operation if we have constant crashes and roll backs for 2 weeks after “launch”.
1.12 isnt the issue here, I think you guys missed the part where cross realm BG was implemented. IF you want to find out or advocate for anything, advocate for that subject, which ironically they didnt come out and say it wasnt on the table.
What’s sad is that basement dwelling Russians have been doing what blizzard is about to do for like 15 years
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What’s sad is that basement dwelling Russians have been doing what blizzard is about to do for like 15 years
Hand out Lupos to everyone?
No. I am stating the obvious as seen on these forums. You are claiming that 1.12 is the most played version of AV therefore it is the most wanted and popular version for classic. SO show evidence to back up your claim it is the most wanted version or sit down and think about what you have done and said.
I’m sure pets will be equalized
Can’t have a hunter pet doing more than a warlock
Poor Lupos.
You know anything about back-stab from the front? Is blizz gonna keep that basement dwelling authentic experience in for us?
100%, and I’m sure I’ll have my turban in the first few weeks
How about incorrect spawn amounts/stacked elemental invasions? Incorrect loot tables, boss scripts, Hp/regens and proc rates? Will Blizz do that too?
Right. Say that again after your 20th hour of accomplishing nothing trying to push Tower Point.
My point being, anyone that uses private servers as the rule book from which they judge the authenticity of classic, are fools. Without exception lol
Considering we don’t know what this new server population is going to be set at? I would not be surprised in the slightest if you are getting 2 linen and 3 wool off of mobs, with increased spawn and drop rates on everything
You got it backwards. Retail’s AV is a 1:1 copy of 1.12 AV.
Who cares anyway, AV is trash. Sooner I can zerg that rep grind out, the better.
The true winner. The truth teller.
I disagree. Selling characters, gold, compromising information used to make accounts on their websites, torrenting, shutting down/restarting servers over and over again, hosts seperating from each other (LH/Elysium), drama on those server discords, favoring certain players over others in different aspects of the game, inaccurate stats/percentages, losing your character your spent days/weeks on due to any of the above.
None of these will happen with an official Blizzard server.
Edit: Oh and pet pathing, raiding issues/bugs (at the beginning there will probably be some of these though).
you jest but I want that. I find joy in the combat not in the taking of things.
No reinforcements. Not 1:1.
Yes please remove content so I can raid log faster