As it stands, you’re speculating off what has always been known to be a small minority of players. More players played 1.12 AV then 1.5 AV. Are you going to tell millions of people their experience was invalid because they started WoW later then other people?
Hey guys is anyone else excited for this summer? I sure am!
That isn’t an issue. The goal isn’t to win. the goal is to fight a war.
awww, I really wanted Mangle
Yes, because I liked things before they were cool.
1.12 is expected. Guess AV wont be the honor pinata people were hoping for. Oh well.
Can’t wait to rush past the entire horde team on my way to the PVE objectives and maybe kill 3 people defending towers before I wait outside of Drek for 10 minutes and then lose.
Can you show me a list of these players saying they want classic to have the 1.12 version of AV?
I have never played vanilla. I started in cataclysm. I want the original AV.
Or you could stop stand outside drek and go kill some horde.
Considering AV won’t hive a time limit, you might not actually have that happen.
Can you list of players not on this forum who want 1.5 AV?
It will be a zerg fest like in every private servers AV weekend
I remember people trinketing back to the Boss to defend. 4 tower marshals and 3-4 ally players could easily repel a raid group.
Can’t wait to see what they do to the honor system
Well considering all the whining from people on this forum over every little thing Blizzard does that isn’t pserver-like, I’m surprised to see anyone with the same complaints bemoan pservers.
It will be a zerg fest like in every private servers AV weekend
What is a ‘private server?’
You are shifting the burden of proof away from yourself. The burden of proof is on you as you are the one making the claims 1.12 is the more wanted version.
Private servers are a skewed image of the past, like this will be. You can’t take away what people already have seen and know.
You’re the one making the claim that the majority of people want 1.5. Burden is on you to prove that buddy.
1.12 only is too pserver like. I actually want old talent trees.