1.12 AV is a huge, huge mistake

I know and remaking that terrain would be an enormous burden on an already strained small indie dev

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Brokenwind likes this post.

As well as this post.


I’ve said it before - if something like 1.12 version of AV causes folks to lose interest in the entirety of Classic, those folks weren’t ever interested to begin with.


Honestly this is so insane this meme doesn’t even fit anymore. A small indie dev could do this on an hour lunch break.

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who are you to dictate what version of something is the “classic” version as seen by the playerbase?

Could ask you the same question.

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the 1.12 part

I am not dictating it. The majority are.

Classic is vague. That’s my point. Who are you to request/require the version of AV you so desire? It’s all ‘Classic.’ Be happy with what you get, imo. lol

Let me put this in simple terms for everyone to understand.

If I were to offer you a plate of food called “classic AV”…

Would you rather that plate have a small amount of food or a large amount of food?

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is it though? Classic doesn’t mean 1.12 vanilla. Classic means the version of things people associate with vanilla.

Depends how hungry I am.

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Valid but you could always save the rest for later

More like:
If I were to hand you a bowl of cereal, would you prefer cereal with cold milk, or woodchips and elmers glue?


I mean, food is general. I can mix spaghetti with mashed up twinkies and I wouldnt eat that, ever. Food is a bad concept. xD

Can you prove you are the majority? Or are you speculating? Because from a data point of view you’re speculating as it’s provable that more people played the 1.12 version of AV then the 1.5 version.

Food may have been too complicated

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Hey I’m all for no changes, 1.12 AV for life, #nochanges.

Who are you to assume people associate or how they associate or what they associate? I associate 1.12 as the authentic AV mah dude. I am content with the game developers choices.

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Classic means anything that was released between 1.1 and 1.12.

1.12 is what we’re getting because that’s what Blizzard has access to. Spending even more money and resources on a project that’s not making them any profit whatsoever just to make a new AV that is not in any way accurate to the original is NOT a good use of their time.

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