1.12 AV is a huge, huge mistake

If there are ever issues that we should be worried about and discussing… I know for sure it’s not going to be discussed on this forum.

Seriously, it seems that the most minuscule things we should worry about tend to be the ‘hot’ topics on this forum.

Temporary sharding? Better freak out

A version of AV that was present in vanilla? Better freak out.

And you all are honestly mad at blizzard for not updating us hahaha Christ ol mighty.

It’s been strongly implied they don’t have much from before 1.12.

Hold up… isn’t Wrmrest Accord a RP realm??

Yes it is. What does that have to do with this?

Aren’t Rp servers non phased???

yes it is.


And what you’re referring to isn’t phasing. It’s sharding.

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Betting you were a big member of the wall-of-no club back in the day. Your comments are spot on.

somewhat. The new continents are phased with other RP servers. wyrmest and moonguard get paired together in zandalar and KT

Ahhhh okay yea I just know I get all my rarespawn mounts on RP servers because there’s literally no competition in warmode

Only reason I joined that club was because I didn’t think Blizzard was going to do it. I never once stated I didn’t want Classic.

Eh, not really. It’s not even a big deal tbh.

It’s a huge deal lmao, it turns AV into a spam fest honor grind, while simultaneously transforming it into pretty much a 1:1 copy of retail AV


And yet here you are once again, carrying on in the same vein, except now you are wall of no-ing those who actually played classic and prefer the earlier AV, which you have zero experience of.


I bet all this hubbub is why it’s called ‘Classic’ and not ‘2005 AV as it was in Original World of Warcraft, we hope you approve.’

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I’m just trying to get you people to calm down and actually think for once. And stop being so damn paranoid.

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Blizzards intention with this entire release is to please the largest amount of people as possible while simultaneously spending the least amount of money as possible. What they will accomplish is exactly what they have accomplished with retail, they will piss off more people than they please and the game will be a more stable private server where nothing is actually authentic to the vanilla experience.

Can’t wait for the entire “this is cool but this is what it was actually like in vanilla “ thing to happen


You are right about it being called classic. It isn’t called “this is 1.12 WoW”

Classic doesn’t have to be limited to a single patch version of vanilla. It can be a a mash up of the best versions of content as it is considered by the majority of the playerbase.

I will still play if it is 1.12

However… the epic fights of the previous versions are what me and every one of my friends that are planning to return. About 12 of us right now.

Its highly likely that part of the big holes in the recreation of the old data, involves the part of AV that was updated in every single patch in Vanilla. They likely dont even have the old terrain and would have to recreate it.