1.12 AV is a huge, huge mistake

Eh, we could have gotten 1.05 AV, and ya know what?
Deep down inside, i know that people would still be hellbent on
zerging it.
And with 1.05 AV with 1.12 toons, they would do it.

If they could zerg WSG with no PVP, trust me, they would

I just want to chime in and state that due to this (and CRBGs), the worse that we predicted DID happen.

Blizz dun goofed thats for sure

The desire to zerg of course would still be there, but that is no excuse to use 1.12 instead of the early version.

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Bumping for the prophet

Dunno, the rest of the game is 1.12, so i guess the matching AV was easiest. It was already in a box on the shelf.
Pretty sure in retail, they had to hand build the retro AV from scratch.

I’d not mind seeing AV hardcore weekends, where 1.12 AV reverts
to a hand made recreation of epic AV that kind of equates to trying to PVP AQ40
Run it from Friday morning until tuesday resets, say once a month, or every other month?

And that was put into retail a while before AV went live in classic. It was developed while people were begging blizzard for it for classic, and then it was gifted to those who were NOT asking for it. Would people stop making excuses for horrible blizzard decisions?

NOBODY was asking for classic to be 1.12., much less AV to be 1.12 (before the AV announcement)


Some people did, citing that it was the most complete version of Vanilla and that other versions were a buggy mess.

Not to mention, Blizzard explained why they went with 1.12. I’m not sure what you want from Blizzard, no matter what there would be one side of the party that would be upset.

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Kinda true, I guess? But like the spell pen ring (which was available in 1.6 iirc, not in Classic yet.) Also layering was not in 1.12. Reckoning was not bugged and broken many times in 1.12, etc etc. Warsong rep vendors had gear available in 1.12, whereas here its not available yet.

Too many changes and mix/matching across the board for us to expect a uniform “this is 1.12” sadly.

NGL but at least my personal opinion would to have either given us an earlier version of AV, or the BC and beyond version that gave us the 600 reinforcements. With the reinforcements version, at least things like the Mines have a value when confronting a turtle. Also, every player death equals 1 reinforcement, so at least pvp has a numerical value related to the bg.

This is true when looking at Vanilla as a totality, as in regarding the class balance changes including the warlock rework etc etc. But also with original 1.12, the vast majority of GM/HWs had already pushed thru and it didn’t result in this honor grinding meta that’s been boiled down to endless AV spamming.

In the end, we’re left with a bunch of #nochanges despite the fact that we’ve actually had #changes starting from day 1 layering, bug fixes (and non-fixes,) missing content from the supposed patch 1.12 (all the raids, Arathi Basin, etc etc.)

1.12 is the only revision that they have a full data set to work from.
They are simply not going to devote a full dev team to try to scratch recreate WoW 1.02 from guesswork, feels, and retail CD rom decompiling.

So your choice is kind of 1.12 or nothing at all.
You have to accept that and move on, or simply move on.

No one is making excuses, you are simply inventing excuses so you can argue with people

Do not know, i am sometimes confused of the division of assets among the phases also, even certain bosses from lower dungeons
do not come until a late phase, that i think were here earlier.

No, it was not.
That i guess was simply a necessary temporary evil, i guess to see what the response to classic would be and what the server loads were going to be, but they did always say the end goal was going to be to get everything down to layerless, which they did do.

True, but…
They are trying to take 1.12 as a version, and take it back to 1.0, to give the original time progression feel.
Basically trying to take 2005 and send it back to try and recreate a series of 1 time happenings starting from 2004.

I mean we all know that naxx and bwl and aq40 etc are sitting right there, just no one has turned on the light switch.

Irrelevant. The majority who were chatting about AV long before the announcement expressed a clear desire for early AV, with many arguments made in support of such. Blizzard’s unwillingness to do it for classic, or the notion that the dog ate the early versions, rings pretty damned hollow in light of the fact that they managed to do just that for retail, LONG before 1.12 was available in classic.

First off, learn your version #s.
Secondly, they literally put in the effort with the 15th anniversary version, which was to represent vanilla AV in retail. “devote a full dev team”? Are you frigging serious?

Oh look, the bad faith troll shows his true colors. What a shock. :roll_eyes:

You literally just got done making excuses.


Version number is unimportant, i could have easily just said version 1.0x.
Do you really enjoy punching scarecrows that much?
Seems boring to me.

One is retail, one is not.
Because they devote resources to something on one does not mean they are going to do the same for the other.

That makes, pretty much, no sense.
They said long ago, hey, this is what you are getting, yes it is set in stone.

I’m sure you will write me a paragraph how that is bad faith, i am just dying to read it.

You really must work on your definition of excuses

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And then blizzard decided they were using 1.12 not a franken patch. You can thank the #nochanges crowd for that not the people who happen to like the version of AV we got.

And ironically it’s also the people who want an earlier version of AV who seem dead set against simply offering both versions(which since you mentioned retail retail did when the special AV was out)

It represents a vanilla version of AV, a version that wasn’t very good which is why it was changed during vanilla. And the version we have in classic is as representative of vanilla AV.

When talking about the version of AV, it is actually kind of relevant which version you are talking about.

Wow, that is some hard hitting nothingburger, right there. golfclap

Again, so you are just in here to troll with a tiny wall-of-no. They LITERALLY have it now, and can be dumped into classic in place of 1.12. All that they lack is a willingness to do so.

Yeah, those are totally not excuses. :roll_eyes:

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I am well versed in what they used to attempt to explain why 1.12 was used for classic. Which flies in the face of the fact that when picking a version that best represented vanilla AV for the 15th anniversary, they did not choose 1.12, but rather the early version.

They also blurted out “clarity” and “gross”.

Oh yes, we definitely had admitted trolls like our friend Zyrius above, only here to stir the pot because he did not get his desired non vanilla druid changes.

The ~130 likes for the AV version announcement blue thread compared to the ~1300 likes for this thread speaks volumes.

edit: oh look, zyrius is typing yet more ignorable rubbish.


The fact that the original AV was so unpopular in vanilla they had to change is far more compelling evidence for why it shouldn’t be used.

But then it’s the people for original AV who seem so dead set against just offering both versions and everyone could be happy. With the queuing system for BG’s it would be easy to do.

You truly seem bitter that you have no real answer to why AV was changed during vanilla and why that version was proved to be better in actual practice.

And also have no response to blizzard simply offering both versions so everyone could just play what they want.

Oh for the love of God, i know it is hard, but please, try some reading comprehension?

Huh? You wanted to be hit? I’m sorry, was i supposed to be hitting you?

Retail = active development, Classic not so much.

You would really really not like that.
What is retail special limited time old AV tuned for?
Retail Toons.
You have played retail at some time at least around legion or something, right?
They are not the same as us, even at the same levels.
So they would have to take that AV, and then completely retune the thing to work with our toons.
If they were interested in doing that, they could have done it initially.
They are not, and have not changed their minds in the entire time since they 1st told us which version of AV they were going to have in classic.

No, they aren’t
Work on english language definitions please.

Aside from Mr Grumpy there
I did like the long AV, it could be lots of fun, depending on the people in it.
In fairness, some times it could be unfun, like when no one would queue up to get it started, that could some times be hit or miss.

Myself, i would not not mind seeing like an every other month Epic AV weekend, where AV resets to the hard one on Friday and runs til like say Tuesday resets.

I dont think they are going to do that, at least not for the time being
and maybe never at all as it is not the kind of project that they have as yet done so far in classic at all.

And then there is the fact that, the people that play, as opposed to the much smaller group of people that post, may largely hate that AV.
Funny thing about forums, they never wind up representing the majority of the people actually doing something.
They are mostly like surveys, if you have 10K unhappy and 90k perfectly fine, you will get 10k responses of unhappiness and maybe 2k of responses from people that are overly ecstatic, and 88k who are perfectly content and feel no reason to participate in responding at all

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Keep in mind that was before cross realm bgs.