I had said before that gives Retail a very tough at best competition for the Hunter game, ESPECIALLY Survival spec. SV mains ought to be asking where to spend their time more: in mid-cycle TWW, Mists, or SoD.
Imagine not being able to find a Hunter of ANY spec, though particularly SV and MM, this summer for any endgame because they all went Classic lol. And that’s arguing that Retail BM is going to be better than Mists or SoD BM!
Sure, but what other spec is getting daily balance updates the whole weekend? And it’s still a net nerf across the board, we took a 8% hit to all damage in preparation for the tier set, they cut the tier set bonus in half, then cut the 10% buff to all damage down to 5%
Priority shots have shifted and we must play around buffing aimed shot, burst damage is lacking. Smooth flow marksman use to have is gone now. Removal of barrage is unjustified, it is useful ability in open world. Some changes where good others not so much.
I agree completely. I cannot say this enough. My MM hunter gathered skinning mat. Put aggro on pet, barrage, burst damage the herd of critters that came.
Now, no pet, no barrage.
BM has pets and barrage, but the burst damage…yyyesss on a 2 minute timer. MM had a 30 sec timer. It was perfect.
I have found that my prot warrior has stepped up and does a good job at harvesting now.
Still cannot switch to my Hunter for some reason, but I have been messing around with MM. Now I am not a hardcore MM player, I have always been SV. But after reading some blogs, and looking through a few things, I have tried MM Sentinal on the PTR. I also did not put on the super gear, but rather used my current gear on live.
I am going to say I was a bit surprised of how it all works. No pet, used binding and tar traps, and I was melting Bees and Wolves. the burst was crazy. I mean really crazy. Maybe its because I never really played, but the AS felt good when I used true shot. It was hitting like a runaway train, also from my understanding, now Trueshot modifies your crit more than haste of AS, so with a crit build, as I have currently, I guess it will hit this hard.
I know many are upset with the changes, but I am going to give this a whirl. I’ll see how it lands, as I will be doing mostly M+ and some raids. This is my secondary this expac, so I will be doing this when I am not on my Shaman main. Guess I will see how it goes, but from what I have seen so far, it should be very interesting.
You can still melt bees and wolfs but only like one third of pull size . Before change i was able to do massive 30+, even chain pull of bees or storm wolfs and burn them down in seconds. Not anymore, i can use aoe lure to pull aggro but spec does not have old burst and bees will make me pop every defensive before im able to dispatch similar sized group of bees now. Things may smooth out as we get new gear and trinkets but i believe they should have not messed with core feel of mm.
Hunter needs a group composition buff that actually matters and a hefty utility overhaul to bring it up to speed with other classes.
Frost trap being a targetable CC that has travel time and can clip on other mobs and get wasted is a joke after twenty years when mages can just target and poly.
I agree the new 11.1 changes changed playstyle. However you are a very low ilvl to be playing the way your describe. Get over 600 and you should be better.
Nope. MM won by a mile. Even sv is doing more than bm. I doubt the tier set will do much to change that. If anything, it might make it more apparent that bm is losing…once again.
Most of hunters’ utility is unreliable; both in execution and cooldown. Even more so that we have to spec into utility is such a slap in the face. What is the use of having a good amount of utility when other classes’ utility are better and more reliable than ours?
The issue is the huge leap to the gear what are you suppose to do dungeons and stuff and WQ’s before you go into Undermine? I struggled a bit as well till it started giving me replacement gear.
This isn’t a problem for non-Hunters, btw. Just sayin’. They don’t have to know and don’t need to know how to use it, and might still get taken OVER a Hunter.