11.1 Hunter is really bad

You’re gonna need to elaborate on this, what class doesn’t need to know their CC and doesn’t need to know how to use it to be successful?

If you follow the syntax, a non-Hunter doesn’t have to know Hunter utility and know how to use it, WHAT that is. I didn’t say non-Hunters have the privilege of not employing their utility at all.

In other words, I get on a non-Hunter alt for a raid/M+ requirement as required/requested.

I have never claimed to be a scholar. What I say is (almost always) from my own experience. And from my runs, mythic+ and raids, they are doing better than bms.

In terms of utilities, idk what are you saying; are you saying ours are reliable? are you saying ours have the shortest cds? are you saying anything we can do, no one can do it better? In your experience, has any group, mythic or raid, picked bm hunters for their utility ever? I can see you make a case for hero/lust, but again, why pick hunter when there are better classes out there?

I just don’t understand what point you’re trying to make? A rogue doesn’t need to know Hunter utility, sure. How does that translate to you playing another class instead when CC is required?

Ex. Queen last raid, we need CC for adds why do you feel you need to swap classes? We have 4 different abilities to help with adds reaching her

Considering logs show that you’re making pretty big rotational mistakes you might want to focus on that.

BM is only behind right now before tier. Once tier is acquired bm pulls ahead. This is backed by sim data.

I’m saying you clearly don’t know how our toolkit is or how it works.

Implosive shot
Binding shot
Tranq shot
Explosive shot
Oil trap
Frost trap
Concussive shot
Bursting shot

Or how salve help healers.

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The Mother!

Metagame. And you’ll swap when told, or better: swap before being told.

Ret paladin :rofl:

Maybe you have but I have never seen a group request for hunter specially. I have seen groups wanting hero/lust from a specific class.

That is a massive list of utility but again, none of those are ever being asked for and many of them, we need to spec into. A lot of them, many of other classes can do the same but are simpler, shorter cooldown, and better. Implosive shot for example, can it clear the ascendant by itself without rng?

DPS is really what hunter is bringing, and if they are focused on using all of their utilities, then there is even less of reason to bring one, which is my point from the beginning. Groups don’t asks hunters to what they used to do any more.

If only blizzard would let us one button macro binding arrow into implosion trap, that would be sweet aoe cast interrupt and 2 sec aoe stun.


You shouldn’t. Red to be asked to use your utility. You just do it.

Addressed nothing.

Ok, you win. You are the king of hunters and everything you said is correct. No one can do it better, only you can.

Atta boy.

If you want to metagame all power to you. That isn’t how I want to play.

This isn’t the case 99.9% of the time. People play what they want to and this is an absurd expectation, we aren’t in the RWF

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I literally told you what the the sims show which is actual data.

Never said I was the king of hunters. But your damage is low and it’s just not because of a tier issue.
Fix your rotation

Often enough, that may be the only thing that decides whether the work gets done or not.

Just like being asked to roll SV when you’re a MM main for SL S3-S4 M+. They’re not taking you with them if you’re not respeccing.

It still has to agree with what others want. If the same thing is wanted by both parties, excellent. Uitstekend. If not, well…“We’ll just find someone else to do this.”

Sure, when you’re progressing Mythic raid or pushing really high keys which isn’t an “often” case. The average player isn’t doing that so it’s irrelevant. A 630 meta dps can be out performed by a 630 non meta spec.

The typical raid/dungeon/whatever isn’t going to be decided purely by what class/spec you are. There’s too many other factors that are much more applicable.

There’s people that believe that you’re not really a player at all playing the endgame if you’re not pushing through Mythic. So that’s a different way of saying what’s average. The average of a smaller number pool is a lot different than of a larger one.

In other words, you don’t exist (yet) if you’re going through Heroic. That’s how some people are going to agree or disagree on what average means.

That’s why we have parses to look at.

As we all want to put our best foot out forward, you can believe certain things will get stacked.

Fair enough, you like to talk about the semantics of the game applying to 5% of the player base I like to talk about the average experience. We’re comparing apples to oranges here


Who do we listen to? The elite 5%, or the Joe/Jane Schmoe 50-80%?

Listen to your heart
When he’s calling for you.
Listen to your heart
There’s nothing else you can do.
I don’t know where you’re going
And I don’t know why,
But listen to your heart
Before you tell him goodbye :slightly_smiling_face:

That’s where we have to separate things based on relevance instead of treating what the top 5% say as gospel that applies to all skill levels, it’s toxic to the community. People shouldn’t get denied from a +3 solely because a streamer said Feral is bad etc

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