11.1 Hunter is really bad

My hunter now feels incredibly weak since the undermined update. I can die so easily and struggle taking on more than 3 npc’s at a time. I was able to pull and survive against way more before! Not only that the hero talents have changed and now I’m summoning random beasts like bears, boars and wyverns which is annoying and I prefer the way it was before. I was summoning all my own tamed beasts with the dire beast glyph and call of the wild. But now that’s just been ruined by this patch. I’m not enjoying playing my hunter anymore… :frowning:


Against the same content or new content?

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Your gear is extremely low for current content and even being lvl 80.


They had so much feedback during the ptr saying as much. Packleader should have been the hero tree that celebrated hunters’ pets. Taming pets is such a special and unique part of the class. And instead of letting us lead our own packs, that some of us have been building up for 20 years, they have us borrow Rexxar’s. It’s shockingly bone-headed.


The entire marks change everyone pitched a fit over, the one that sought to remove pets from the spec entirely, plays exactly the same as it did before except for the 1 thing people actually asked for (you can in fact, lust without a pet out now).
Massive anticlimax, just a bunch of procs you don’t care about because all it means is more damage and the rotation is basically the same priority order as before only now there’s a stupid eagle in the mix visually because someone at blizzard wanted THEIR class fantasy and was going to get it by hook or by crook.


We’re doing considerably more damage than we were yesterday.


If this is the hunter you are using, and that is your ilvl. You need to work on upgrading your gear, since even the junk gear they hand out for killing about anything is dropping around 600 ilvl gear before you upgrade it to 619 ilvl at full upgrade.

You can’t really gage what used to be easy in season 1, with what is just considered par at the start of season 2 content.


I hate to be the one to break this to you, but you only have 585 gear and most of us are going into this new patch above 610. I feel like if you can get your gear upgraded you might live a little longer.


I have the same dilemma. In content outside of the undermined, my hunter does feel weaker. Yeah, he’s only ilvl 575 but I had no worries fighting creatures in Khaz’algar and other zones before the patch. Now in those same zones it’s a lot harder.

I think alot of players just forget or don’t realise this because they were already well over 600 ilvl so they already feel way op for this patch anyways.

I also am annoyed by the change in the hero talents… I liked having only ‘my’ pets being summoned that I have tamed across 20 years of playing. Not some random hero’s pets whom we haven’t seen in years! Who the F cares about Rexxar and his companions?!
I want to summon my pets!


My blood dk never died since the first week of s1, now he died 3 times in a t8 delve last night. I guess blood dk’s were too good and needed to be brought down to monk tank level :frowning:


Was brann actually healing? He wasn’t for me last night

negative. He is level 60 and he showed all is abilities still “active” however when i clicked his curio cabinet this “active” abilities were not there “all abilities from the s2 season were not there” so when i clicked my porclein arrowhead ability to see if there was anything else to switch too (all the s1 were listed on the drop down) but i kepted it the arrowhead… next thing as soon as i went into any combat he enraged and started killing himself, he died 7 times during the delve by killing himself (it was kinda funny watching).

I did do another t8 delve on my demon hunter (he only died twice but he has 14m health) and i didnt touch his bran abilities and the his brann ran around “shooting” which did no damage really but his brann never went into sucide mode.

I am giving up playing this week and will login next week, seems like a complete wasted week this week

here is my blood dk: https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/character/us/uldaman/daekitew/reputation you can see i got a whooping 630xp into 60 on brann

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Considering undermine is tuned for people around 610+ you’re undergeared.

Do people really not understand how new content works?


T8 delves were buffed to be harder.

Your gear level is, well, woefully low.

I would recommend spending a bit of time in the Siren Isle and at least getting decked out in S1 Veterans. You won’t likely be able to fully upgrade it, but it sure beats those blues.

You can also get your ring fully gemmed out, and the ring is still going to be relevant for a long while in S2.

Me, I’m loving the MM Hunter changes. It’s a good deal slower but more impactful, and all the Explosive Shot synergies is fantastic. I’m really digging it.


The ring is currently bis for all of season 2

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I get what you’re saying but you are incorrect. If it was tuned to players at ilvl 610 then the initial quest reward armor would be over ilvl600… but it’s under 600…

Therefore your logic is wrong. You’re just saying for the content to be easy, to blast through it, its best to be 610 but you don’t have to be. I have done quests in undermined on other classes at 560 and I’m having no issues. Its specifically hunter that’s the problem, agreeing with the OP.


I was doing it on my 580 destro lock that I just leveled, without even using the voidwalker because nothing hits hard enough to matter (not counting rares). The quests give 597 gear. We don’t need to be over 600 to do this comfortably. I have no idea how a BM hunter is struggling with anything in the new zone.


Also brann is broken for many and not healing

Siren Isles is good for S1 vet gear and your ring. One of the gems for the ring has a stam buff, another gem has a secondary stat buff. The tempest storm event also drops one champ gear. S1, but better than nothing.

Some of the npcs gangs hit pretty hard in Undermine when they randomly gang up on you. They caught me off guard until I started aggressively aoe-ing them first.

Undermine campaign will be there tomorrow and all we really have to do this week so a good time to do some catch up.