11.1 Hunter is really bad

They nerfed ptr by 8% nerfed tier set and then buffed our aura by 10%

BM will be fine

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Once upon a time in a place far far away, Snozay did something besides WoW :slight_smile:

The amount you post, makes me wonder if you even play the game!

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Its not super hard to find out. I suggest looking.

One thing I have noticed with PL bm is that it is a slower spec than DR. It is more proc reliant and if the procs don’t line up, there will time where you will have nothing to press. Explosive Shot is a strong aoe ability but with a long cd. You really have to put in some consideration on when to use it. Other than that, PL is strong but slow and is why is a bit more boring than DR, at least imo.

The Wyvern needs to be faster. There’s so many times I will be done killing, and then it shows up. So funny watching it circle as I am walking away.


You can slot Hunter right next to Rogue for abandoned, bad designed class that has no real place in the lineup.

Did a few mythic+ just to try out bms new dps and I find that our numbers are lacking still when next to others. Did a 11 with frost mage and enhancement shaman, can’t compete. Did a 11 with frost dk and ret pally, can’t compete. I did ok in certain mobs with my cds and range-friendly bosses but overall, our dps aren’t there.

There is a bug with Barbed Shot I have noticed when I mount and mount off by pressing Barbed Shot, it doesn’t add value to my pet so that sucked.

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That’s one thing I am having with the new PL design: bm feels more reliant on procs and if RNG isn’t on your side…then oh well.

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Unfortunately all these nerfs and buffs are based on our Tier set bonus, and incredibly powerful it was on the PTR. Blizzard has planned early for when we get our full sets, so until then BM is stuck.

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I just soloed a 5-man rare in Undermine today on BM. It’s fine.


They’re reverting the nerf to BM overall damage and reducing tier set power instead, you’ll feel better damage output Tuesday

So for tomorrow’s patch BM has been amended for a 4th time, why is it specifically being min-maxed? Feel like the spec is under a microscope lol


Bms cannot win. It’s both a statement and a fact.

I don’t like complaining about other classes being left alone but bm is always one of the first to get hit with the bat.


Your correct. BM has 30% lower aoe than mm just to start with and only slightly better st. They have once again made a complete messs of this tuning and ruined my outlook for this season. Guess im playing feral as hunters feel dead now.

These back and forth changes are one of the worst part of wow. Youd think a billion dollar company could manage dps formulas better to not have such massive dps gaps in classes.


People on here kept saying bms will be fiiiiine. Numbers look good. And (my personal fav) stop complaining. I just ran some 11 mythic+, not even close. Stop acting like the tier set will be the end all cause it won’t and will never be.

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Because our tier set was too strong.
So now we are getting immediate buffs with ± same performance in bis gear.

MM seems like it plays mostly the same for me, just slower, and clunkier I guess. I don’t know, it just feels like all my haste is gone and it’s less responsive?

Also, I kept my pet with Unbreakable Bond - which is all I really wanted - but now my pet is dismissed EVERY TIME I log in or change zones or instances or use my hearthstone and it is super annoying having to re-summon it over and over and over again. Assuming this is a bug and not malicious compliance to make mm who wanted to keep our pets have to summon them repeatedly a la Monkey’s Paw wish. That would be petty. Please fix this so the selected pet stays summoned unless dismissed.


Literally getting a 5% buff tomorrow AND the tier set will make all 3 specs pretty close with BM being the raid favorite.


The Jackal of Stormwind had 1982 posts before he went into the Program after multiple vacations, and got 283 more with his new identity. He had been posting for years.

I’ve been posting since about 2020. Whether you’re talking about Bravo Mike or Whiskey Bravo, as hated as we are here in the forums, we talk way below our weight.

I should blame Classic WoW, as it’s soon going to do Hunter way better than current Retail. I only come to hear about current developments and see if they’re actually going to make SV spec(as an example) better than the MoP version or the SoD version.

Tbh it’s mostly because MoP + WoD in general are massively better than legion and anything after it

Some of the classes might’ve had some better moments after it, but they get pulled down by the rest of the game experience.