11.1 Hunter is really bad

You do realize that not every tier set bonus affects each spec the same right?

You also don’t realize that the BM set bonus is a massive gain.

So no not all tier set bonuses are created equal. And no it’s not a flawed argument.

Do you know what the other tier sets are and how they will impact said spec? No. So, yes, its a flawed argument. You’re making assumptions, and assuming that the BM tier set will be above and beyond all other sets. And lets say it is well beyond and above the other sets, it will get nerfed. So, this hope that the tier set will save the day is false hope.

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Yes. There are these cool things called sims that show how much of a gain/loss they are.

Only if you’re completely out of touch of how sims work.

I’m not making assumptions.

BMs tier set gains 23%
MMS tier set gains 14%
SVs tier set gains 8.5%

Actually this was why BM was nerfed early. Blizzard is anticipating BM power from their tier set that they balance them already just based on ptr tests.

So, BM gets to wait until the raid opens to be the Juggernaut this season.

The removal of den recovery is to blame


I had to go into the spellbook to turn it off.

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Did they actually come out and say this, or are we assuming?

My man the sims literally show this. There are zero assumptions on this.

The only one making assumptions here is you.

They show what? That Blizzard felt that the tier set was too OP, so they nerfed the build?

That BM has the highest gain from tier set of all class/specs

That even with the 8% aura nerf BM is still doing more damage than in 11.0.7.

BM is going to be strong once people get tier.

Grats on 8,000, how was that walk? =)

Fine considering I walk outside everyday.

Maybe one day you’ll actually make an argument that’s correct.

I know you get off on steamrolling strangers on WoW forums. Yeah, its not that important to me. There are people in this world with self esteem issues, and their candle is so dim that they need to make theirs brighter by blowing out someone else’s candle. I get a strong sense that that is what’s happening here, you don’t amass 8K forum posts unless it is compensating for some other area that is lacking.

And I still don’t agree that Blizzard is consciously nerfing builds based on what the tier sets will do. That would be giving them way too much credit. They’ve reworked DR 3x since WW launched, and MM at least 2x. Its clear that they have no idea what they are doing. So, until they come out and specifically say that, I did not lose any argument.

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Is that why you started lashing out and throwing personal insults out after I proved you were 100% wrong and not knowledgeable on the subject?

You initiated the conversation by telling me I was wrong. Then when I proved you were actually wrong you resorted to throwing personal insults.

You obviously cared enough to lash out after being proven wrong.

It’s also funny you make assumptions about me. I have played this character over 3 tiers and I post during downtime at work. Keep thinking I’m compensating for anything if it makes you feel better.

You don’t have to agree with anything.

The argument wasn’t that they nerfed because of the tier set.

My statement was tier will fix it and you said it wouldn’t. I have provided that data to you showing that it will.

So yes you were wrong and you did lose the argument. Hence why you started making it personal.

Have a good weekend.

The PTR was showing huge increase in BM damage from the tier set. Blizzard had done some other tuning before the 8% over all nerf. It was expected that they would do the usual nerf bat and wait until after the first week of the raid.


average experience on hunter forums tbh

Sadly true. I have also done it so I can understand it.

No hard feelings on my end.

In instances yes, but they have screwed us in open world and solo content, removal of barrage on mm hurts in open world more so when leather farming.

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2-piece took a nice hit


Doesn’t matter though with the 10% buff across the board, BM will still eat.

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Didn’t they just nerf BM 10%?