11.1 Hunter is really bad

Considering you clearly can’t even quote someone you should probably stop

Questioning anyones intelligence.

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Second this. My fresh levelled Warlock blitzed UM content faster and easier than my hunter with an almost 80 ilvl difference. Hunter deadge.

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I quoted it exactly as it was written, maybe you simply didn’t read it however.

Questioning yours specifically, it’s no longer a question.

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No you actually didn’t.

That’s what I said.

You’re confusing me for

So now that it’s established reading isn’t your strong suit

It’s clearly higher than yours.

For my hunter it’s against the same content. I pulled a group of Skardyn in Opportunity point, which I’ve done hundreds of times before, and I was like “WOAH, how did I get squishy?” I shouldn’t be half as powerful against normal mobs on Tuesday as I was on Monday. I think it might just be a muscle memory issue and trying to get the hang of the new rotation, but I definitely felt a difference.

Oh. My hunter is 626 ILVL


Did you change your build to the new ones?

Try actually reading it this time.

Is this another one of those things like 2 months ago where you just wander into a thread to to try and claim a position of superiority while displaying ineptitude? Get a life.

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You’re not helping your lack of being able to read.

That person clearly isn’t me.

You really should learn to quote the correct people before trying to insult anyone’s intelligence.

You’re the one who commented to me and failed miserably.

Get a clue my guy.

Good thing I wasn’t quoting you then, I was quoting the part of the post you failed to read in your initial reply.

Roundabout way of saying “yes” but I’ll take it. Goodbye

You quoted that and then tried to insult my comprehension of the English language.

At this point you’re looking more clueless by the post.

Enjoy your major L

I ran a T8 delve just now (Fungal cavern in Khaz) and it was pretty easy. I’m MM and about 609 iLvL.

I am quite annoyed at the removal of barrage from MM.

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Not gonna lie, i was going group quests solo and was not phased… i did the new drlves, they are a joke.

If you think hunters got weaker you are wrong.


I first played my Void Elf Holy Priest in pvp in 11.1.0 yesterday and it was god awful. Before, I could survive 3-4 enemies on me. Now I can’t survive 2.
Played this hunter earlier today and was garbage as well. Just get toasted in every fight.
I love they fix things and completely wreck almost every class that was modified.
I can’t sub after this mess.

its even funnier when i found out i cant turn off my pets growl. so even if i wanna do group stuff my pets screw that up

gg devs, g f-ing g


Me too! I needed that for flushing out druids. I don’t like volley.

Also, is it me or did we lose range? It sure feels like it. I am playing my druid it looks like.

This is an example why Pack Leader could not be designed around your own pets. Each one of the beasts summoned has a unique animation for them. If you only tamed one type than there would nothing to fit into that animation.

You only tamed cats what are you expecting a flying tiger floating over your head? Only middle that Blizzard can offer is customizable beasts, but they still would not be your stabled pets.

GG blizz BM hunter plays like a Wet Noodle doing no dmg . Azorothian did a video today and shows SV ST doing 1.75 Mil in sims. MM doing 1.65 Mil ST , and BM doing a Whopping 1.55Mil ST. Glad yall decide to always mess with stuff before RWF and make people hate the classes they wanted to play until yall pull your heads out of your “…” and realize yall messed up and revert changes back to where they should of been


Yet we gained damage.

Those sims are also with us not having new tiersets which is a massive gain for bm.

Try understanding the information provided instead of just doom and glooming

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Every spec gets the tier bonus. So the bar gets raised all around. If you’re behind other specs, stating we don’t have the tier bonus yet is a flawed argument.

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